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International Education Department
+7 (499) 261-62-43

Cooperation Department
+7 (499) 267-35-54

Faculty of Geoinformatics and Information Security

Faculty of Geoinformatics and Information Security

The Faculty of Geoinformatics and Information Security is divided into three departments:

  • marker map.pngDepartment of Geoinformation Systems and Technologies

  • marker map.png Department of Data-Measuring Systems

  • marker map.png Department of Applied Computer Science      

  • Прикладная геоинформатика: профессии после окончания программы в Краснодаре    Профессия Специалист по картографии в МИИГАиК: на каких специальностях учиться

Bachelor/Specialist Degree Programs

⇓  Information Systems and Technologies

Period of study:

4 years




Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the programme are able to:

marker map.png  collect and process big data

marker map.png  build artificial intelligence systems
marker map.png  develop system software products, database management systems, operating systems

marker map.png  create web servers, internet sites

Career Paths:

Graduates of this program are prepared for project work in the design and development of information systems for a variety of purposes. A Bachelor's degree holder can work as a WEB administrator, database developer, specialist in digital video, computer graphics and animation, as well as a system analyst and programmer.

Entry Requirements:

Compulsory :

marker map.png  Russian
marker map.png  Mathematics

Optional :

marker map.png  Physics
marker map.png  Computer Science

 Applied Computer Science

Period of study:

  4 years




Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the programme are able to:

marker map.png  conduct system analysis

marker map.png  apply coding and object-oriented programming in practice

marker map.png  develop projects to automate and informatize applied processes and create information systems in applied areas

marker map.png  model and improve applied and information processes

Career Paths:

Graduates of the program can pursue careers in a variety of fields: artificial intelligence and system programming, software development and computer games, data analysis, computer linguistics, Internet programming, development of recommendation systems etc. Computer technology is applicable in all areas where there are large flows of information. It is not only IT, but also geology, medicine, aviation, banking, advertising and telecommunications.

Entry Requirements:

Compulsory :

marker map.png  Russian
marker map.png  Mathematics

Optional :

marker map.png  Physics
marker map.png  Computer Science

 Cyber Security

Period of study:

  4 years





Focus Areas:

•  Organization and technology of data protection

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the programme are able to:

marker map.png  collect and analyze raw data to solve problems in the field of information security

marker map.png  carry out legal, organizational and technical support of information protection

marker map.png  develop new tools (technical, hardware, software) designed to protect data  

Career Paths:

The range of positions that can take a graduate with a bachelor's degree is quite large: database administrator, information security engineer, IT specialist, database developer, software and hardware information security specialist, SAP specialist, programmer.

Entry Requirements:

Compulsory :

marker map.png  Russian
marker map.png  Mathematics

Optional :

marker map.png  Physics
marker map.png  Computer Science

Master Degree Programs

⇓  Information Systems and Technologies

Period of study:

  2 years





Focus Areas:

•  Information security of information and communiucation systems 

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

marker map.png  develop software and implement information technologies and systems

marker map.png  build artificial intelligence systems

marker map.png  carry out projects aimed at creating programs, complexes and information bases
Career Paths:

High level of training helps graduates to find work in large IT companies. There they can take a position as an application or system programmer, or as a system administrator. Those students who have mastered the skills of development are often offered positions as engineers in the design of information systems.
Entry Requirements:
marker map.png Core subject examination

⇓  Cyber Security

Period of study:

  2 years





Focus Areas:

•  Information protection in geographic information systems and spatial data acquisition systems

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

marker map.png  perform system analysis of the application domain, identify threats, and assess information system vulnerabilities

marker map.png  develop systems, complexes, means and technologies of data security

marker map.png  organize and perform commissioning of information security systems and tools
Career Paths:

With a master's degree, graduates can easily apply for senior positions in the IT department. They become applicants for positions such as senior system administrator and head of the information security department. Professionals with teaching skills lead teaching activities using their own methodologies. Some may join the research staff of a state-owned enterprise and hold the position of chief information security systems developer.
Entry Requirements:

  marker map.png Core subject examination

⇓  Applied Computer Science

Period of study:

  2 years





Focus Areas:

•  Big spatial data analysis

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

marker map.png  apply modern technologies to develop mobile and web applications using web services, single-page applications, Spring Boot, Angular platforms

 marker map.png  use JWT technologies to ensure application security

marker map.png  design high-performance information systems and system software
Career Paths:

The scope of qualified personnel in the field of applied computer science covers a rather large spectrum. Masters can be business analysts, programmers, and software developers. The profession of developing various games and leisure applications is now at the peak of popularity. Thanks to their in-depth knowledge of the professional field, graduates can open their own business and run an information technology service company upon graduation.

Entry Requirements:

marker map.png Core subject examination

 Applied Computer Science (Tyumen)

Period of study:

  2 years





Focus Areas:

•  Cross-cutting digital technologies in real estate management

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

marker map.png  conduct system analysis of the application domain, identify threats, and assess the vulnerability of information systems

marker map.png  develop the architecture of information and technological complexes and systems

marker map.png  create new ways and means of designing new devices and processes
Career Paths:

The scope of qualified personnel in the field of applied computer science covers a rather large spectrum. Masters can be business analysts, programmers, and software developers. The profession of developing various games and leisure applications is now at the peak of popularity. Thanks to their in-depth knowledge of the professional field, graduates can open their own business and run an information technology service company upon graduation.

Entry Requirements:

  marker map.png Core subject examination

 Applied Computer Science (Tomsk)

Period of study:

  2 years





Focus Areas:

•  Open source software for developing geoservice

Entry Requirements:

  marker map.png Core subject examination

Administrative Staff of the Faculty

     Матерухин Андрей Викторович

Dean: Andrey Materukhin

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor of the Department of Information and Measuring Systems

Tel: +7 (499) 404-12-20 ext. 2310

E-mail: gis_faculty@miigaik.ru