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International Education Department
+7 (499) 261-62-43

Cooperation Department
+7 (499) 267-35-54

Faculty of Cartography

Faculty of Cartography

The Faculty of Cartography is subdivided into five departments:

  • marker map.png Department of Geodata Visualization and Cartographic Design

  • marker map.png Department of Geography

  • marker map.png Department of Cartography          

  • marker map.png Department of Space Monitoring and Ecology

  • marker map.png Department of Digital Cartography


Bachelor / Specialist Degree Programs

 Cartography and Geoinformatics

Period of study:

  4 years





Focus Areas:

•  Mathematical Cartography

•  Topographic and Ecological Mapping

•  Digital Mapping

•  Computer and Geoinformation Technologies in Map Production and Research

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the programme are able to:

marker map.png  create maps based on mathematical models

marker map.png  create spatial data bases and banks

marker map.png  perform satellite positioning and decode aerospace imagery

marker map.png  model the Earth surface or separate territories by means of computer graphics and design

Career Paths:

Cartographers typically work for the government at a local, state and federal level. They may also work for science, management or technical consulting services, as well as architectural or engineering services. Other employers include commercial map publishers, local authorities, private consultancies, and utilities companies.

Besides cartographers, there are several other careers that work closely with geographical data. One related career is a geospatial analyst, who examines geographical records to track the development of historic landscapes and help plan for the future. Another similar job is a GIS specialist, who designs databases and systems for storing geographical data.

Entry Requirements:

Compulsory :

marker map.png  Russian
marker map.png  Mathematics

Optional :

marker map.png  Geography
marker map.png  Computer Science

Master Degree Programs

 Cartography and Geoinformatics

Period of study:

  2 years





Focus Areas:

•  Mathematical Cartography

•  Topographic and Ecological Mapping

•  Digital Mapping

•  Computer and Geoinformation Technologies in Map Production and Research

Learning Outcomes

You will be able to:

marker map.png  collect, organize, and process spatial data at different scales

marker map.png  develop geoinformation systems and edit digital maps

marker map.png  create evaluation and forecast maps

marker map.png  implement computer technology in scientific research and business environment

marker map.png  carry out monitoring surveys aimed at environmental conditions and pollution

Career Paths:

Our graduates work in organizations and services of different departmental subordination that are engaged in geodesy, engineering surveying, geodetic support, cadastre of real estate and land management. They also carry out special geodetic measurements during exploitation of surface and subsurface of the Earth, create original inventory and cadastral maps and plans at private topographic-geodesic enterprises.

Entry Requirements:
marker map.png Core subject examination

Doctoral Degree Programs

⇓  Geoinformatics and Cartography  

Period of study:

  3 years





 Areas of Research:

•  Theoretical and experimental research in the development of scientific and methodological foundations of geoinformatics and cartography

•  Collection, registration, storage, transfer and processing of geodata

•  Creation of geoinformation systems for various purposes, databases of digital information

•  Interaction of Geoinformatics and Mapping

•  Exploring the phenomena of cartographic information, cartographic projections, and other problems of mathematical cartography

•  Creation of new methods of making and designing maps and atlases

•  Cartographic Generalization and Toponymics

•  Improving the technology of map publishing and the organization of cartographic production

Administrative Staff of the Faculty

Загребин Глеб Игоревич

Dean: Gleb Zagrebin,

PhD in Engineering sciences

Phone: 8 (499) 404-12-20

E-mail: kartfak@miigaik.ru


Deputy Dean: Kseniya Shvetsova

   Deputy Dean: Elena Baeva