Piloting ECVET to the National VET system of Russia and Uzbekistan (RUECVET, 2016-2019)
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Registration number of the project: 574097-EPP-1-2016-1-CY-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Duration: 2016-2019
Name of the programme: ERASMUS+
The booklet of the project (download)
The aim of the project: piloting the introduction of the European Credit Transfer System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) into the national systems of higher education and vocational education (VET) in Russia and Uzbekistan by creating a long-term cooperation platform between the leading universities that are involved in training teachers for specialized secondary schools.
The objectives of the project:
to create tools and procedures for the adoption of ECVET in Higher Education, in institutions of higher professional education in Russia and Uzbekistan
to develop networks of vocational education institutions on the basis of four national centers ECVET (two in each in Russia and in Uzbekistan), train in these centers staff and lectures of the universities
to raise awareness of the advantages and peculiarities of the ECVET system through a series of targeted activities, and also through activities carried out in four national ECVET centers opened on the basis of higher education institutions and training VET experts
support and adaptation of ECVET to the national education systems of the two partner countries through a set of recommendations, the development of methodological tools developed during piloting
to develop recommendations for an approach to the overall assessment and the process of recognizing the transfer of credit units in accordance with the ECVET methodology
to develop a multi-dimensional analytical report on the implementation and promotion of ECVET in Russia and Uzbekistan
Expected results of the project: The new procedure for the transfer of credit units is planned by the consortium in order to more naturally introduce the lifelong learning concept, with emphasis on the transparency and comparability of VET qualifications both horizontally (in the context of vocational education and training) and vertically (in the context of higher education ECTS education) The key result of the project will be fruitful cooperation between VET's higher education, with the aim of introducing ECVET into the national educational systems of the two partner countries. In the course of the project, expert groups from three higher educational institutions of three different countries will form an expert advisory group to seduce and transfer the ECVET methodology and best practices to other partners of the consortium.
European partners:
1. University of Nicosia (a mber of EDEX-Educational Excellence Corporation Limited) (UNIC) Cyprus
2. Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) Malta
3. Liepajas University (LIEPU) Latvia
Russian partners:
4. Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University (RSVPU)
5. Tver State University (TSU)
6. Voronezh State University (VSU)
8. Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)
Uzbekstan partners:
9. Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz (NukSPI)