Jean Monnet Module «ECON 4.0: EU practices of digital transformation" (E-CON, 2020-2023)
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Registration number of the project: 621186-EPP-1-2020-1-RU-EPPJMO-MODULE
Year of implementation: 2020-2023
Name of the programme: ERASMUS+, Jean Monnet
Grant applicant: Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Moscow, Russia
The main strategic goal is to provide human resources for the cartographic and Geodesic industry, the sphere of territory development and land management, based on world-class research and development. The main competitive advantage of MIIGAiK is the presence of historically unique professional and research schools (geodesic, cartographic, remote sensing, GIS, etc.) that focus on priority areas of science, technology and engineering, covering space, cartographic survey, сadastral and information and communication technologies, optical technologies, laser technologies, environmental monitoring, instrumentation, and others. The priority of the University is to implement inclusive educational programs. The University implements advanced training courses for teachers in order to obtain the competencies necessary for organizing the process of supporting students in an inclusive educational environment.
Development of online courses, teaching and learning materials, assessment tools, students Guideline
Approval of the module curriculum and its inclusion in the curricula of the University as an optional for MSc students
Placing the teaching and methodical materials on education platform of MIIGAiK
- Creation of the project web-site