
Processing of scanner images of the Moon

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19 June 2009 from Cape Canaveral, the U.S. launched Lunar reconnaissance Orbiter LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) and on 23 June the phone came out on the lunar orbit. On Board camera LROC, which consists of three cameras: a wide angle camera WAC low-resolution and two low-angle high-resolution cameras NAC. The images obtained from the camera WAC, already constructed a digital elevation model of the moon, but since the camera resolution 74,3 m/pixel, the detail of this model is also about 100 m. NAC camera delivers resolution up to 0.5 m/pixel, so the data obtained with it, are of the greatest interest for processing. This scanner camera, and photogrammetric processing of scanner images is otlichnie from classic personnel shooting. Because acquiring stereo data at any area of the lunar surface is strictly planned task (i.e., only the LRO team decides on the special surveys) and qualitative determination of altitudes is possible only if data is available, the position of the LRO SPACECRAFT in orbit with a mutual accuracy better than 20 meters (and a stereo angle of not less than 20 degrees), stereo processing only fit a small number of images. To calculate the elements of exterior orientation (EVO) uses a Suite of libraries and the kernel of complex SPICE. Directly photogrammetric image processing (involving the measurement of tie points, bundle adjustment, DEM generation at a given step in the automatic mode, and the filtering of emissions) is performed in DPS (digital photogrammetry system) "PHOTOMOD".

The measurement of tie points in digital photogrammetric system "PHOTOMOD" software

An example of visualization of a digital elevation model of a small section of the lunar surface in 3-D box digital photogrammetric system "PHOTOMOD" software