
DEM processing and the morthometric analysis of the surface of celestial bodies

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Maps of slopes and relief roughness (ruggedness) of celestial bodies are created to make a morthometric analysis based on processing DEM in GIS. Various methods of calculating surface parameters are used to determine the characteristics of the surface, each having its peculiarities. With their help it is possible to identify artifacts and errors in DEM (are shown by arrows on the roughness maps of the Lunokhod-1 traverse), reveal large forms of the relief (area ratio calculation), or vice versa, identify small-sized craters (standard slope distribution).

Map «Roughness Moon surface » Map «Roughness Moon surface»
Map «Roughness Moon surface»
Pic. A. Interquartile range on the chart of the normal distribution of any size Pic. B. Relief roughness measure (Laplasian interquartile range)
Pic. A. Interquartile range on the chart of the normal distribution of any size Pic. B. Relief roughness measure (Laplasian interquartile range)
Pic. D. Part of orthomosaic LRO WAC (resolution 75 m/pixel)
Pic. C. Part of DEM "GLD-100" (resolution 118 m/pixel) Pic. D. Part of orthomosaic LRO WAC (resolution 75 m/pixel)

To create global maps of the surface roughness or degree of moon relief partition used digital elevation model (DEM) GLD-100, obtained as a result of processing of space images (Scholten et. al., 2012) wide angle camera (WAC) of CA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). As a measure of relief partition used Laplasian statistic interquartile range (Laplace operator: a generalization of the usual second derivative of the function of one variable - height). On the map clearly shown that part of the moon's surface, where the bright mainland (left) and dark, so-called «sea», (right)pane. On the map clearly shows the smoothed old craters, releasing the foreground General structure of the continental surface (left) and manifested artifacts DEM caused by errors in the data - bright vertical and horizontal lines (right).

Card roughness allow you to visually highlight the most typical forms of the surface, when, for example, become visible radiation emissions from the craters. In roughness contrast cards, when looking at the surface topography image or an image (well only identified prominent relief form.

A map of the surface roughness along the Lunokhod-1 rover travel line, created by the method of standard slope distribution calculation A map of the surface roughness along the Lunokhod-1 rover travel line, created by the method of area ratio calculation (the relationship of the area of a real topographical surface to the area of a flat surface) A map of the slope values along the Lunokhod-1 rover traverse (with a 1 m base). The cutaway shows the slopes in the area with a maximal elevation difference
A map of the surface roughness along the Lunokhod-1 rover travel line, created by the method of standard slope distribution calculation A map of the slope values along the Lunokhod-1 rover traverse (with a 1 m base). The cutaway shows the slopes in the area with a maximal elevation difference Карта уклонов по маршруту Лунохода-1 (на базе 1м). На врезке - уклоны на участке с максимальным перепадом высот
Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of Area Ratio Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of STD Elevation
Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of Area Ratio Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of STD Elevation
Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of STD Slope Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of STD Profile Curvature
Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of STD Slope Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the method of STD Profile Curvature
Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the VRM method Phobos' slope values calculated with a 100 m base
Phobos' surface roughness calculated by the VRM method Phobos' slope values calculated with a 100 m base