Moon - Mapping of areas along the Lunokhod-1 and Lunokhod-2 rovers traverses
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On November 17, 1970, the Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Luna-17" delivered the first planet research vehicle "Lunokhod-1" rover to the surface of the Moon for studying some extraterrestrial surface. Throughout its period of working on the lunar surface the "Lunokhod-1" rover travelled over 10,540 m, returned 206 lunar panoramic images and 25 thousand photos to the Earth. It studied the physical-and-mechanical properties of the upper layer of the lunar soil (regolith) at more than 500 points along its traverse, and analyzed its chemical composition at 25 points. The newest remote sensing data of high-resolution allow one to study in detail the areas where the "Lunokhod-1" and "Lunokhod-2" travelled. With the integration of modern remote sensing data and maps as well as the results of processing of the Lunokhod-1-obtained stereopanoramas of the lunar surface into GIS, a terrain analysis has been made, the findings are presented in the form of a series of thematic maps.
The layout of the Lunokhod rover equipment and units
Comparison of crater sizes in GIS: a map of a portion of the "Lunokhod-1" traverse, plan No 3, scale 1:250 (in "The collection of Works" by Barsukov, 1978) and DEM (LRO NAC, 1 m/pixel)
The GIS information layers for the travel line of the "Lunokhod-1" rover (ArcScene module window)
A map of the" Lunokhod-2" surface travel, LRO NAC orthoimages (0.4-1.6 m/pixel)
Map of the "Lunokhod-1" traverse