
Moon - Mapping of the lunar polar regions for the missions "Luna-Globe" and "Lunar-Resource"

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Co-ordinations-and-maps support is an important component of planning travels to celestial bodies of the Solar System. It is provided by both interpreting remote sensing data and morthometric analysis of the surface, followed by creating derivative maps of slopes, roughness, crater density. The support makes it possible to get versatile characteristics of the surface of landing site candidates of the planned Russian exploratory lunar missions "Luna-Globe" (the northern polar area) and "Lunar-Resource" (the southern polar area).

A hypsometric map of the northern polar area of the Moon: «LDEM 1024» DEM (30 meters/pixel), the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature A map of slopes of the southern polar area of the Moon. Mission
A hypsometric map of the northern polar area of the Moon: «LDEM 1024» DEM (30 meters/pixel), the Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature A map of slopes of the southern polar area of the Moon. Mission "Lunar-Resource": «LDEM 1024» DEM (30 meters/pixel)
Identification of rocky areas on the surface of the Moon from radar images: LRO MRF (5 m/pixel) Identification of craters for one of the calculated target aim ellipses : LRO NAC (0.5 m/pixel)
Identification of rocky areas on the surface of the Moon from radar images: LRO MRF (5 m/pixel) Identification of craters for one of the calculated target aim ellipses : LRO NAC (0.5 m/pixel)