
3-D modeling of the surface of planets and moons

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Using the results of photogrammetric processing. On this basis, using specialized software ArcScene generated 3D-model for visualizing the surface of celestial bodies. Integration of DTM and satellite images in GIS using different mapping techniques, such as light and shadow plastic (so-called "washing relief"), allows you to visually reflect the characteristic features of the terrain studied planets and moons of the solar system. Depending on the resolution used by the DTM are 3D-models of varying degrees of detail: from global (Phobos, Io, Enceladus) to the local level (reconstruction of the landing lander AMC "Luna-17" delivered to the satellite of the Earth "Lunokhod-1").

Three-dimensional model of the lunar craters Anaxagoras: ortho LRO NAC (0.5 m / pixel), DEM LOLA (30 m / pixel)

Three-dimensional model of the lunar craters Anaxagoras: ortho LRO NAC (0.5 m / pixel), DEM LOLA (30 m / pixel)

3D-model of the landing pad AMC

3D-model of the landing pad AMC "Luna-17": ortho LRO NAC (0.5 m / pixel), DEM LRO NAC (0.5 m / pixel)

3D-model of the area of movement of the Lunokhod-1: DEM LRO NAC (0.5 m / pixel)

3D-model of the area of movement of the Lunokhod-1: DEM LRO NAC (0.5 m / pixel)

3D-model of the landing site of AMC "Luna 18" and "20 Moon": DEM Kaguya (7 m / pixel)

3D-model of the surface of Phobos with the boundaries of the alleged landing sites spacecraft "Phobos-Grunt": DEM SC MarsExpress (100 m / pixel)

3D-model of the surface of Deimos

3D-model of Phobos