
Publications and conferences

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Publications (2016)

1. Ivanov M.A., Head J.W., Bystrov A., 2016. The lunar Gruithuisen silicic extrusive domes: Topographic configuration, morphology, ages, and internal structure. Icarus, V. 273, July 2016, P. 262-283; (doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.12.015)

2. Kreslavsky M.A., Head J. W., 2016. The steepest slopes on the Moon from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) Data: Spatial Distribution and Correlation with Geologic Features. Icarus, V.273, July 2016, P. 329-336; (doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.02.036)

3. Lyytinen E., Gritsevich M., 2016. Implications of the atmospheric density profile in the processing of fireball observations. Planetary and Space Science,V.120, January 2016, P. 35-42, (doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.10.012)

4. Vinnikov V. V., Gritsevich M. I., Kuznetsova D. V., Turchak L. I. (2016). The evaluation of the meteoroid initial shape on the statistical distributions of the fragments masses. "Otsenka iskhodnoj formy meteoroidov po statisticheskim raspredeleniyam mass oskolkov" // Doklady Akademii nauk.

Conferences (2016)

1. Brusnikin E.S. Digital terrain modelling of the potential landing places of the Exo-Mars space images super-high resolution HiRISE. "TSifrovoe modelirovanie rel'efa potentsial'nyh mest posadok missii EHkzo-Mars po kosmicheskim izobrazheniyam sverhvysokogo razresheniya HiRISE". 71-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh MIIGAiK, 5-6 April 2016.

2. Brusnikin E.S., Zubarev A.EH., Patratij V.D. The use of ephemeris and SPICE libraries for the calculations and three-dimensional visualization of the spacecraft position in orbits of celestial bodies in web application. "Ispol'zovanie ehfemerid i bibliotek SPICE dlya raschetov i trekhmernoj vizualizatsii polozheniya kosmicheskih apparatov na orbitah nebesnyh tel v veb-prilozhenii". XIII Konferentsiya molodyh uchenyh «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye kosmicheskie issledovaniya», 13-15 April 2016.

3. Dmitriev V.M. Recurrent refinement of the celestial bodies orbits filed by astrometric observations. "Rekurrentnoe utochnenie orbit nebesnyh tel podannym astrometricheskih nablyudenij". 71-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh MIIGAiK, 5-6 April 2016.

4. Kozlova N.A. Methods and methodology of localization lunar Rover passed them in the images. "Metody i metodika lokalizatsii nalunnogo rovera po peredannym im izobrazheniyam". XIII Konferentsiya molodyh uchenyh «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye kosmicheskie issledovaniya», 13-15 April 2016.

5. Kozlova N.A., Zav'yalov I.YU. The development of the electronic catalogue of the moon craters for a example of the polar regions. "Razrabotka ehlektronnogo kataloga kraterov Luny na primere polyarnyh regionov". 71-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh MIIGAiK, 5-6 April 2016.

6. Kohanov A.A. Development of methodology for creating maps of the moon polar regions to ensure that the Russian space missions. "Razrabotka metodiki sozdaniya kart pripolyarnyh oblastej Luny dlya obespecheniya rossijskih kosmicheskih missij". 71-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh MIIGAiK, 5-6 April 2016.

7. Kokhanov A., Lorenz C., Karachevtseva I. GIS-study and new Geomorphologic Mapping of Phobos Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-1726, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, April, 17-22, 2016

8. Krasil'nikov S.S. Formation and numerical simulation of the gathering H2O ice avalanche in the Northern latitudes of Mars. "Formirovanie i chislennoe modelirovanie skhoda ledyanoj H2O laviny na severnyh shirotah Marsa". XIII Konferentsiya molodyh uchenyh «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye kosmicheskie issledovaniya», 13-15 April 2016.

9. Krasilnikov S.S., Kuzmin R.O. H2O ice layered deposits on the northern plain of Mars, ISLP2016, Wuhan, China, June 09-10, 2016.

10. Matveev E.V. Development of a intelligent search system of semantic and spatial information on space bodies of the Solar system using planetary online mapping . "Razrabotka sistemy intellektual'nogo poiska semanticheskoj i prostranstvennoj informatsii po nebesnym telam Solnechnoj sistemy s ispol'zovaniem planetnyh onlajn kart". 71-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh MIIGAiK, 5-6 April 2016.

11. Matveev E.V., Brusnikin E.S., Zharkova A.YU. Analysis of the system organization methods of intellectual search semantic and spatial planetary information."Analiz metodov organizatsii sistemy intellektual'nogo poiska semaniticheskoj i prostranstvennoj planetnoj informatsii". XIII Konferentsiya molodyh uchenyh «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye kosmicheskie issledovaniya», 13-15 April 2016.

12. Mineeva S.A. Modeling meteor showers formed by comets in the region of the Jupiter's orbit . "Modelirovanie meteornyh potokov, obrazovannyh kometami, v oblasti orbity YUpitera". 71-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh MIIGAiK, 5-6 April 2016.

13. Mineeva S. and Lupovka V. The orbit's evolution of particles ejected from the surface of Phobos. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-7061, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, April, 17-22, 2016.

14 Zharkova A.YU. Study the Mercury surface by cartographic methods. "Issledovanie poverhnosti Merkuriya kartograficheskimi metodami". 71-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyh uchenyh MIIGAiK, 5-6 April 2016.

15. Zharkova A.YU., Matveev E.V., Kohanov A.A. Online mapping of mercury to represent the results of morphometric studies. "Onlajn kartografirovanie Merkuriya dlya predstavleniya rezul'tatov morfometricheskih issledovanij". XIII Konferentsiya molodyh uchenyh «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye kosmicheskie issledovaniya», 13-15 April 2016.

Publications (2015)

1. Abdrakhimov A.M., Basilevsky A.T., Ivanov M.A., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Head J.W., 2015. Occurrence Probability of Slopes on the Lunar Surface: Estimate by the Shaded Area Percentage in the LROC NAC Images Solar System Research, V. 49, N. 5, pp. 285-294, doi: 10.1134/S0038094615050019 (

Abdrahimov A.M., Bazilevskiy A.T., Ivanov M.A., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Hed Dzh.U., 2015. [Assessment of the probability of the meeting slopes on the lunar surface by the share of the shaded surface on images LROC NAC]. Otsenka veroyatnostey vstrechi uklonov na poverhnosti Lunyi po dole zatenennoy poverhnosti na snimkah LROC NAC. Astronomicheskiy vestnik, tom 49, # 5, c. 323-331 (doi: 10.7868/S0320930X15050011)

2. Brusnikin E.S., Kreslavsky M.A., Zubarev A.Eh., Patraty V.D., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. Measurement and GIS analysis of morphometric characteristics of Mars's slope strips by HIRISE images. «Izmerenie i analiz v GIS morfometricheskih harakteristik sklonovyh polos Marsa po kosmicheskim izobrazheniyam HIRISE». Ekologiya, ekonomika, informatika. Sbornik statey: v 3 t.-Rostov-na-Donu, Izdatelstvo Yuzhnogo federalnogo universiteta. T. 3: Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring, 2015, s. 121-128. ( (in Russian).

3. Christou A.A., Margonis A., Oberst J. A time-domain deconvolution technique for meteor photometry applied to double-station CCD image data. Astronomy & Astrophysics, A 581, A19, 10 pp. (doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201526391).

4. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V., Gritsevich M., 2015. Orbit determination based on meteor observations using numerical integration of equations of motion. Planetary and Space Science, V. 117, pp. 223-235 (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.06.015).

5. Dmitriev V.M. Method of determining of meteorites' orbit and its implementation « Metod opredeleniya orbity meteoroidov i ego programmnaya realizaciya». Izvestiya vuzov «Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka», #5, 2015, s. 17-22. ( (in Russian).

6. Dmitriev V.M., Lupovka V.A., 2015. Asteroid origin meteoritic material, that is orbit of Mars. «Meteoroidnoe veshchestvo asteroidnogo proiskhozhdeniya v rajone orbity Marsa». Izvestiya VUZov. Ser. «Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka», # 3, 2015, c. 3-7. ( (in Russian).

7. Dmitriev V.M., Lupovka V.A., 2015. Simulation of the collision of hydroid bodies with Phobos. «Modelirovanie stolknovenij meteoroidnyh tel s Fobosom». Izvestiya VUZov. Ser. «Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka», # 4, 2015, s. 3-10. ( (in Russian).

8. Ivanov M.A., Basilevsky A. T., Abdrakhimov A. M., Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Head J. W. , 2015. Crater Boguslawsky on the moon: Geological structure and an estimate of the degree of rockiness of the floor. Solar system research V. 49, I. 7 , pp. 367-382 (doi: 10.1134/S0038094615060039)

Ivanov M.A., Bazilevskiy A.T., Abdrahimov A.M., Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Head J.W., 2015. [Crater Boguslawsky on the moon: Geological structure and an estimate of the degree of rockiness of the floor]. Krater Boguslavskiy na Lune: geologicheskoe stroenie i otsenka stepeni kamenistosti dnischa. Astronomicheskiy vestnik, tom 49, # 6, s. 332-339 (doi: 10.7868/S0320930X15060031).

9. Ivanov M.A., Hiesinger H., Abdrahimov A.M., Basilevsky A.T., Head J.W., Pasckert J-H., Bauch K., van der Bogert C. H., Gläser P., Kokhanov A., 2015. Landing site selection for Luna-Glob mission in crater Boguslawsky. Planetary and Space Science, V. 117, pp. 45-63 (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.05.007).

10. Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Rodionova J., Konopikhin A., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Mitrokhina L., Patratiy V., Oberst J., 2015. Development of a new Phobos atlas based on Mars Express image data. Planetary and Space Science, V. 108, pp. 24-30 (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2014.11.024).

11. Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Konopikhin A.A., Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E., Patratiy V.D., Kozlova N.A., Uchaev D.V., Uchaev Dm.V., Malinnikov V.A., Oberst J., 2015. Cartographic and Geodesic Methods to Characterize the Potential Landing Sites for the Future Russian Missions Luna-Glob and Luna-Resurs. Solar System Research, No. 2, Vol. 49, pp. 92-109 (doi: 10.1134/S0038094615020021).

Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Konopihin A.A., Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E., Patratiy V.D., Kozlova N.A., Uchaev D.V., Uchaev Dm.V., Malinnikov V.A., Oberst Yu., 2015. [Cartographic surveying techniques for characterizing landing sites for future missions Russian "Luna-Globe" and "Luna-Resource"] Kartografo-geodezicheskie metodyi dlya harakteristiki posadochnyih ploschadok buduschih rossiyskih missiy «Luna-Glob» i «Luna-Resurs». Astronomicheskiy vestnik, # 2, tom 49, s. 100-116 (doi: 10.7868/S0320930X15020024).

12. Karachevtseva I.P., Savinyh V.P., Kokhanov A.A., 2015.Phobos Atlas: the concept, structure and principles of mapping. «Atlas Fobosa: kontseptsiya, struktura i printsipy kartografirovaniya». Izvestiya VUZov. Ser. «Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka», # 4, 2015, c. 68-75. ( (in Russian).

Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavskiy M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. 2015. [Features morphometric characteristics of small impact craters in the polar regions of the Moon]. Osobennosti morfometricheskih harakteristik malyih udarnyih kraterov v polyarnyih oblastyah Lunyi, Astronomicheskiy vestnik, t. 49, # 5, s. 1-8 (doi: 10.7868/S0320930X15050060)

13. Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavsky M.A., Matveev E.V., Kozlova N.A., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. Automation of morphometric measurements by GIS for evaluation of lunar local topography characteristics. «Avtomatizatsiya morfometricheskih izmerenij v GIS dlya otsenki lokal'nyh harakteristik rel'efa Luny». Ekologiya, ekonomika, informatika. Sbornik statey: v 3 t.-Rostov-na-Donu, Izdatelstvo Yuzhnogo federalnogo universiteta. T. 3: Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring, 2015, s. 166-171. ( (in Russian).

14. Kohout T., Gritsevich M., Lyytinen E., Moilanen J., Trigo-Rodriguez M., Kruglikov N., Ishchenko A., Yakovlev G., Grokhovsky V., Haloda J., Halodova P., Meier M. M. M., Laubenstein M., Dmitriev V., Lupovka V. , 2015. Annama H5 meteorite fall: orbit, trajectory, recovery, petrology, noble gases and cosmogenic radionuclides. Meteoritics and Planetary Science. Special Issue. 78th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (2015) V.50, №5209.

15. Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. 2015. Small impact craters in the polar regions of the Moon: peculiarities of morphometric characteristics. Solar System Research. 49 (5): 295-302. (doi: 10.1134/S0038094615050068)

16. Koten P., Vaubaillon J., Margonis A., Toth J., Duris F., McAulliffe J., Oberst J., 2015. Double station observation of Draconid meteor outburst from two moving aircraft. Planetary and Space Science(doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.05.017).

17. Kozlova N.A., Zubarev A.E., Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Solodovnikova A.M., Rybakin YU.A., 2015. Determination of origin of the lunar archive recording by GIS methods. «Opredelenie koordinat arhivnoj lunnoj s"emki metodami GIS». Ekologiya, ekonomika, informatika. Sbornik statey: v 3 t.-Rostov-na-Donu, Izdatelstvo Yuzhnogo federalnogo universiteta. T. 3: Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring, 2015, s. 153-163. ( (in Russian).

18. Matveev E.V., Kokhanov A.A., Patraty V.D., Garov A.S., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. Developing of web services for planetary data intelligent search. «Razrabotka veb-servisa dlya intellektual'nogo poiska planetnyh dannyh». Ekologiya, ekonomika, informatika. Sbornik statey: v 3 t.-Rostov-na-Donu, Izdatelstvo Yuzhnogo federalnogo universiteta. T. 3: Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring, 2015, s. 172-179. ( (in Russian).

19. Moreno-Ibanez M., Gritsevich M., Trigo-Rodrguez J. M., 2015. New methodology to determine the terminal height of a fireball. Icarus, V. 250, pp. 544-552 (doi: 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.12.027).

20. Pasewaldt A., Oberst J., Willner K., Beisembin B., Hoffmann H., Matz K. D., Roatsch T., Michael G., Cardesín-Moinelo A., Zubarev A.E., 2015. Astrometric observations of Phobos with the SRC on Mars Express: New data and comparisons of different measurement techniques. Astronomy & Astrophysics, V. 580, A28, 10 pp. (doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201525957).

21. Perry M.E., Neumann G.A., Phillips R.J., Barnouin O.S., Ernst C.M., Kahan D.S., Solomon S.C., Zuber M.T., Smith D.E., Hauck II S.A., Peale S.J., Margot J.-L., Mazarico E., Johnson C. L., Gaskell R. W., Roberts J. H., McNutt Jr. R. L., Oberst J., 2015. The low-degree shape of Mercury, Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 6951-6958 (doi: 10.1002/2015GL065101).

22. Stark A., Oberst J., Hussmann H., 2015. Mercury's resonant rotation from secular orbital elements. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy V. 123, N. 3, pp. 263-277 (doi: 10.1007/s10569-015-9633-4).

23. Stark A., Oberst J., Preusker F., Gwinner K., Peale S. J., Margot J.-L., Phillips R. J., Zuber M. T., Solomon S. C., 2015. Mercury's rotational parameters from MESSENGER image and laser altimeter data: A feasibility study. Planetary and Space Science, V. 117, pp. 64-72 (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.05.006)

24. Stark A., Oberst J., Preusker F., Peale S. J., Margot J.-L., Phillips R. J., Neumann G. A., Smith D. E. Zuber M. T., Solomon S. C., 2015. First MESSENGER orbital observations of Mercury's librations, Geophysical Research Letters, 42.(doi: 10.1002/2015GL065152).

25. Steinbrügge G., Stark A., Hussmann H., Sohl F., Oberst J., 2015. Measuring tidal deformations by laser altimetry. A performance model for the Ganymede Laser Altimeter. Planetary and Space Science, V. 117, pp. 184-191 (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.06.013).

26. Trigo-Rodríguez J.M., Lyytinen E., Gritsevich M., Moreno-Ibáñez M., Bottke W.F., Williams I., Lupovka V., Dmitriev V., Kohout T., Grokhovsky V., 2015. Orbit and dynamic origin of the recently recovered Annama's H5 chondrite. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 449, pp. 2119-2127, (doi: 10.1093/mnras/stv378).

27. Zharkova A.Yu., Rodionova Zh.F., Kokhanov A.A., Matveev E.V., Brusnikin E.S., Zubarev A.Eh., Patraty V.D., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst Yu., 2015. Analysis and GIS mapping of Mercury's surface according to the latest MESSENGER data. «Analiz i kartografirovanie v GIS poverhnosti Merkuriya po novejshim dannym KA Messenger». Ekologiya, ekonomika, informatika. Sbornik statey: v 3 t.-Rostov-na-Donu, Izdatelstvo Yuzhnogo federalnogo universiteta. T. 3: Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring, 2015, s. 143-152. ( (in Russian).

28. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Oberst J., Hussmann H., Stark A., 2015. New Ganymede control point network and global shape model. Planetary and Space Science, V. 117, pp. 246-249 (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2015.06.022).

Conferences (2015)

1. Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Rodionova Zh.F., Lorenz C.A., Zubarev A.E., Oberst J., 2015. New Phobos atlas: GIS-analysis and mapping. ISPRS Working Group IV/8 "Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases" meeting, Berlin, September, 24-25, 2015.

2. Abdrakhimov A. M., Basilevsky A. T., Ivanov M.A., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Head J. W. Crater Boguslawsky: Slope hazard estimation by shadow area measurement. 6th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, October 5-9, 2015.

3. Abdrakhimov A. M., Basilevsky A. T., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. Size Frequency Distribution of Areas of Various Slopes at ''Flat'' Sites on the Surface of Mars and the Moon. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, #1117. The Woodlands, Texas, March, 16-20, 2015. (

4. Brusnikin E. S., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Zubarev A. E., Patratiy V. D., Head J. W., 2015. Slope Streaks on Mars: Analysis of Geometric Parameters. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, #1115. The Woodlands, Texas, March, 16-20, 2015. (

5. Brusnikin E., Kreslavsky M., Karachevtseva I., Zubarev A., Patratiy V. Study of Geometric Parameters of Slope Streaks on Mars. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-519. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, April, 12-17, 2015.

6. Brusnikin E., Zubarev A., 2015. Processing of HiRiSE images and study of slope streaks on Mars using stereo photogrammetry methods. Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation (PRoViDE) Summer School Berlin 2015, Berlin, September, 21-23, 2015.

7. Brusnikin E.S., Kreslavskiy M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. [Measurement and analysis of geometric characteristics of slope streaks on Mars with the help of GIS technologies.]. Izmerenie i analiz geometricheskih harakteristik sklonovyh polos na Marse s pomoshch'yu GIS tekhnologiy. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

8. Brusnikin E.S., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Zubarev A.E., Patratiy V.D., 2015. Analysis of slope streaks on Mars using stereo photogrammetry methods and GIS. ISPRS Working Group IV/8 "Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases" meeting, Berlin, September, 24-25, 2015.

9. Brusnikin E.S., Kreslavsky M.A., Zubarev A.Eh., Patraty V.D., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. Measurement and GIS analysis of morphometric characteristics of Mars's slope strips by HIRISE images. «Izmerenie i analiz v GIS morfometricheskih harakteristik sklonovyh polos Marsa po kosmicheskim izobrazheniyam HIRISE». VIII Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», pos. Dyurso Krasnodarskogo kraya, 6-12 sentyabrya 2015g. (zaochnoe uchastie) ( (in Russian).

10. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V., Gritsevich M., Lyytinen E., Mineeva S., 2015. Orbit determination and analysis of meteors recently observed by Finnish Fireball Network. EPSC Abstracts Vol. 10, EPSC2015-598, 2015. European Planetary Science Congress 2015, Nantes, France, 27 September-02 October, 2015.

11. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V., Mineeva S., 2015. Comparison of observed and modelled meteoroid crater distribution on Phobos. ISPRS Working Group IV/8 "Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases" meeting, Berlin, September, 24-25, 2015.

12. Dmitriev V.M., Lupovka V.A. [Estimation of accuracy of orbits of meteor observations]. Otsenka tochnosti opredeleniya orbit meteorov po dannym nablyudeniy. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

13. Dmitriev V.M., Lupovka V.A.,Gritsevich M., Oberst J., Mineeva S.A. Meteor orbit determination with higher accuracy. SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015, pp.160-163. International Space Forum "SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015", Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, June, 1-7, 2015.

14. Garov A., Karachevtseva I, Kozlova N., Matveev E., Zubarev A., Patratiy V., 2015. Web-mapping and intellectualization of the planetary data analysis based on location services in 3D web GIS. 12th Symposium on Location Based Services, Augsburg (Germany), September 16-18, 2015.

15. Garov A., Karachevtseva I., 2015. Planetary 3D web-GIS as online laboratory for geo-collaboration work. Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation (PRoViDE) Summer School Berlin 2015, Berlin, September, 21-23, 2015.

16. Garov A., Matveev E., Zubarev A., Patratiy V., Karachevtseva I. Planetary data archive: new approach to data access, exploration and collaborative research. 6th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, October 5-9, 2015.

17. Garov A.S., Karachevtseva I.P., Matveev E.V., Zubarev A.E., Patratiy V.D., 2015. 3D planetary geoportal as online laboratory for geo-collaboraition of scientific community. ISPRS Working Group IV/8 "Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases" meeting, Berlin, September, 24-25, 2015.

18. Giodano M., Karachevtseva I. PROGIS 2.0: An Integrated Approach to Planetary Rover Image Visualisation and Analysis Using an Open Source Web-GIS. MExLab Planetary Geoportal: 3D-access to Lunar rover archive data. ESAC Planetary GIS Workshop 2015, May 5-7 2015 (

19. Ivanov M.A., Head J. W. Lunar non-mare volcanism: Topographic configuration, morphology, ages and internal structure of the Gruithuisen domes. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, 1112. The Woodlands, Texas, March, 16-20, 2015. (

20. Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Rodionova J. F., Kreslavsky M.A., Oberst J. Study and mapping of the relief of celestial bodies. SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015, pp.196-197. International Space Forum "SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015", Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, June, 1-7, 2015.

21. Karachevtseva I., Garov A., 2015. MExLab Planetary Geoportal: 3D-access to planetary images and results of spatial data analysis. EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 10, EPSC2015-804-2, 2015. European Planetary Science Congress 2015, Nantes, France, 27 September-02 October, 2015.

22. Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Rodionova J., Konopikhin A., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Kozlova N., Oberst J. A new Phobos atlas. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 16th General Assembly. Rio de Janeiro, August, 23-28, 2015.

23. Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Rodionova Jh., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Kreslavsky M., Oberst J. A new planetary mapping for future space missions. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-2427-1. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, April, 12-17, 2015.

24. Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Rodionova Zh., Zubarev A., Garov A., E. Matveev. Modern Methodology for Planetary Mapping. 1st ICA (International Cartographic Association) European Symposium on Cartography, Vienna, November 10-12, 2015.

25. Kokhanov A.A., Bulantsev O.E., Karachevtseva I.P. [Development of the Phobos Atlas using results of MARS EXPRESS data]. Razrabotka Atlasa Fobosa s ispolzovaniem rezultatov obrabotki dannyih KA MARS EXPRESS. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

26. Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. Map of Moon and Mercury roughness. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 16th General Assembly. Rio de Janeiro, August, 23-28, 2015.

27. Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavsky M.A., Matveev E.V., Kozlova N.A., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. [Automation of morphometric measurements by GIS to evaluate the characteristics of the local moon topography]. Avtomatizatsiya morfometricheskih izmereniy v GIS dlya otsenki lokalnyih harakteristik relefa Lunyi. VIII Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», pos. Dyurso Krasnodarskogo kraya, 6-12 sentyabrya 2015g. ( (in Russian).

28. Kozlova N. Technique of positioning and navigation of lunar surface vehicle. International Space Forum "SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015", Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, June 1-7, 2015. (

29. Kozlova N., Rybakin Yu., Kokhanov A., Basilevsky A., Karachevtseva I. Revision of estimates of absolute age of small lunar craters (quantitative analysis of crater morphology for determination of their degree of degradation). 6th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, October 5-9, 2015.

30. Kozlova N., Solodovnikova A., Zubarev A., Garov A., Patraty V., Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I., Nadezhdina I., Konopikhin A., Oberst J. Past missions - the best way to train future planetary researchers. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-4993-1. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, April 12 - 17, 2015. (

31. Kozlova N., Zubarev A., 2015. 3D artificial modeling of lunar surface (Overview of Lunokhods panoramic imagery, Source data modelling, 3D artificial modelling of lunar surface). Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation (PRoViDE) Summer School Berlin 2015, Berlin, September, 21-23, 2015.

32. Kozlova N., Zubarev A., Garov A., Stovolosov E., Abdrakhimov A., Karachevtseva I. and MExLab team. PRoViDE: Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation based on lunar archive panoramic image processing. 6th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, October 5-9, 2015.

33. Kozlova N., Zubarev A., Solodovnikova A., Rybakin Yu., Garov A., Abdrakhimov A., Karachevtseva I., 2015. Lunar rovers and archive panoramas: Past for the Future. EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 10, EPSC2015-532-1, 2015. European Planetary Science Congress 2015, Nantes, France, 27 September - 02 October 2015. (

34. Kozlova N.A., Konopihin A.A. [Methods of using modern coordinate-visual information obtained by spacecrafts to determine the location of object on the surface]. Metodika ispolzovaniya sovremennoy koordinatno-vizualnoy informatsii, poluchennoy kosmicheskimi apparatami, dlya opredeleniya mestopolozheniya ob'ekta na poverhnosti. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

35. Kozlova N.A., Nadezhdina I. E., Zubarev A. E., Patraty V. D., Kokhanov A.A., Matveev E., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J. Geodetic and Photogrammetric Aspects of Planetary Mapping. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 16th General Assembly, August 23-28, 2015, Rio de Janeiro.

36. Kozlova N.A., Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E., Patraty V.D., Kokhanov A.A., Matveev E., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J. Geodetic and Photogrammetric Aspects of Planetary Mapping. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 16th General Assembly, August 23-28, 2015, Rio de Janeiro.

37. Kozlova N.A., Zubarev A.E., Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A., Solodovnikova A.M., Ryibakin Yu.A., 2015. [Defining of archival lunar capture's coordinates by GIS methods]. Opredelenie koordinat arhivnoy lunnoy s'emki metodami GIS. VIII Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», pos. Dyurso Krasnodarskogo kraya, 6-12 sentyabrya 2015g. ( (in Russian).

38. Kozlova N.A., Zubarev A.E., Patratiy V.D., Karachevtseva I.P., Garov A.S., Solodovnikova A.M., Rybakin Yu. A., 2015. Modern image processing of archive lunar panoramas and new maps for Lunokhod-2 area. ISPRS Working Group IV/8 "Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases" meeting, Berlin, September, 24-25, 2015.

39. Krasilnikov S. Morphometric characteristics of polygonal structure of Mars depending on surface morphology. 6th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, October 5-9, 2015.

40. Kreslavsky M.A., Head J. W., 2015. A Thicker Regolith on Mercury, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, #1246. The Woodlands, Texas, March, 16-20, 2015. (

41. Kreslavsky M.A., Bystrov A Y., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. Frequency Distributions of Topographic Slopes on the Moon, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, #2848. The Woodlands, Texas, March, 16-20, 2015 (

42. Kreslavsky M.A., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P. Morphometric peculiarities of small impact craters in the lunar polar areas. 6th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, October 5-9, 2015.

43. Matveev E.V., Karachevtseva I.P. [Design and development of universal model of planetary data of solar system celestial bodies by the example of moon remote sensing]. Proektirovanie i razrabotka universalnoy modeli planetnyih dannyih nebesnyih tel Solnechnoy sistemyi na primere DDZ Lunyi. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

44. Matveev E.V., Kokhanov A.A., Patratiy V.D., Garov A.S., Karachevtseva I.P., 2015. [Developing of web services for intelligent search of planetary data]. Razrabotka veb-servisa dlya intellektualnogo poiska planetnyih dannyih. VIII Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», pos. Dyurso Krasnodarskogo kraya, 6-12 sentyabrya 2015g. ( (in Russian).

45. Mineeva S.A., Lupovka V.A. [Investigation of possibilities of dust ring formation around Mars]. Issledovanie vozmozhnostey formirovaniya pyilevogo koltsa vokrug Marsa. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

46. Oberst J. and the PhoDEx personal team. PhoDEx and the future exploration of the Martian satellite system. SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015, pp.18-19. International Space Forum "SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015", Kazan, Russia, June, 1-7, 2015.

47. Paar G., J.-P. Muller, Yu Tao, T. Pajdla, M. Giordano, E. Tasdelen, I. Karachevtseva, Ch. Traxler, G. Hesina, L. Tyler, R. Barnes, S. Gupta, Konrad Willner, 2015. PRoViDE: Planetary Robotics Vision Data Processing and Fusion. EPSC Abstracts, Vol. 10, EPSC2015-345, 2015. European Planetary Science Congress 2015, Nantes, France, 27 September - 02 October 2015. (

48. Rodionova Zh., Karachevtseva I., Lazarev E., Kokhanov A. Mapping of the terrestrial planets satellites: the Moon and Phobos. 27th International Cartographic Conference, 16th General Assembly. Rio de Janeiro, August, 23-28, 2015.

49. Solodovnikova A.A., Karachevtseva I.P. [Creation of GIS database for describing and access of archived lunar panoramas]. Sozdanie bazyi dannyih GIS dlya opisaniya i dostupa arhivnyih lunnyih panoram. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

50. Zharkova A. Yu., Kreslavsky M.A., Brusnikin E.S., Zubarev A. E., Karachevtseva I.P., Head III J. W., 2015. Morphometry of Small Flat Floored Craters on Mercury: Implications for Regolith Thickness. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 14-18, 2015.

51. Zharkova A.Yu., Karachevtseva I.P. [Creating a cartographic basis for the Mercury Globe]. Sozdanie kartograficheskoy osnovy dlya globusa Merkuriya. 70-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, 7-8 aprelya 2015 g. (in Russian).

52. Zharkova A.Yu., Rodionova J.F., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J., 2015. New Mercury maps and globe, ISPRS Working Group IV/8 "Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases" meeting, Berlin, September, 24-25, 2015.

53. Zharkova A.Yu., Rodionova Jh.F., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P. New cartography of Mercury: maps and globe. 6th Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, October 5-9, 2015.

54. Zharkova A.Yu., Rodionova ZH.F., Kokhanov A.A., Matveev E.V., Brusnikin E.S., Zubarev A.Eh. , Patratiy V.D., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst YU., 2015. [Analysis and GIS mapping of Mercury's surface according to the latest data of MESSENGER spacecraft]. Analiz i kartografirovanie v GIS poverhnosti Merkuriya po noveyshim dannym KA MESSENGER. VIII Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Geoinformatsionnyie tehnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», pos. Dyurso Krasnodarskogo kraya, 6-12 sentyabrya 2015g. ( (in Russian).

55. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Oberst J. New control point networks for the Galilean satellites. SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015, pp.106-107. International Space Forum "SpaceKazan-IAPS-2015", Kazan, Russia, June, 1-7, 2015. (

56. Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Brusnikin E.S., Kokhanov A.A., Lazareva M.S., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J., 2015. Studies of the basic geodetic parameters and mapping of Galilean satellites. ISPRS Working Group IV/8 "Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases" meeting, Berlin, September, 24-25, 2015.

Publications (2014)

1. Basilevsky A.T., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Gusakova E.N. Morphometry of small impact craters in the Lunokhod-1 and Lunokhod-2 study areas. // Planetary and Space Science, Volume. 92, pp. 77-87, 2014. (doi: 10.1016/j.pss.2013.12.016)

2. Basilevsky A.T., Lorenz C.A., Shingareva T.V., Head J.W., Ramsley K.R., Zubarev A.E. Surface Geology and Geomorphology of Phobos. // Planetary and Space Science, V. 102, pp. 95-118, 2014.

3. Ivanov M.A., Abdrahimov A.M., Bazilevskiy A.T., Dikson Dzh.L., Hed Dzh.U., Chik L., Vitten Dzh., Zuber M.T., Smit D.E., Mazariko E., Neysh S.D., Bassi D.B.J. [Geology context of potential landing place of expedition Luna-Glob]. Geologicheskiy kontekst potentsialnogo mesta posadki ekspeditsii Luna-Glob // Astronomicheskiy vestnik, # 6. tom 48, s. 423-435, 2014. (doi: 10.7868/S0320930X14060024) (in Russian).

4. Ivanov M.A., Abdrakhimov A.M., Basilevsky A.T., Dixon J.L., Head J.W., Chick L., Vitten J., Zuber M.T., Smit D.E., Mazarico E., Neish C.D. and Bassey D.B.J. Geological Context of Potential Landing Site of the Luna-Glob Mission // Solar System Research, No. 6, Vol. 48, pp. 391-402, 2014. (doi: 10.1134/S0038094614060021)

5. Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J., Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Kokhanov A.A., Garov A.S., Uchaev D.V., Uchaev Dm.V., Malinnikov V.A., Klimkin N.D. The Phobos information system. // Planetary and Space Science, V. 102, pp 74-85. 2014

6. Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. [Creation of global map of Moon's relief parameters by modern remote LRO sensing data]. Sozdanie globalnoy kartyi parametrov relefa Lunyi po sovremennyim dannyim distantsionnogo zondirovaniya KA LRO // Izv. VUZov. Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka, # 5, C. 38-42. 2014. (in Russian).

7. Kozlova N.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Konopihin A.A., Kokhanov A.A., Patratiy V.D., Garov A.S., Abdrahimov A.M., Oberst Yu. [New digital processing of archival lunar panoramas for large-scale mapping and geomorphological analysis of the lunar surface]. Novaya tsifrovaya obrabotka arhivnyih lunnyih panoram dlya tseley krupnomasshtabnogo kartografirovaniya i geomorfologicheskogo analiza poverhnosti Lunyi. // Izv. VUZov. Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka, #2, S. 11-19, 2014. (in Russian).

8. Kreslavsky M.A., Head J.W., Neumann G.A., Zuber M.T., Smith D.E. Kilometer-Scale Topographic Roughness of Mercury: Correlation with Geologic Features and Units // Geophysical research letters. Volume 4, Issue 23, p.8245-8251, 2014. (doi: 10.1002/2014GL062162)

9. Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Baskakova M.A., Kokhanov A.A., Lazarev E.N. [Creation of directory of young impact craters on large volcanoes of Mars based on GIS technology to solve geological problems]. Sozdanie kataloga molodyih udarnyih kraterov na bolshih vulkanah Marsa na osnove GIS-tehnologiy dlya resheniya geologicheskih zadach. // Sovremennyie problemyi distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, Moskva, IKI RAN, T. 11, #1, S. 121-131, 2014. (in Russian).

10. Kreslavsky M.A., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P. [Mapping of topographic roughness of Mercury's northern hemisphere by laser altimetry of MESSENGER mission]. Kartografirovanie topograficheskoy sherohovatosti severnogo polushariya Merkuriya po dannyim lazernoy altimetrii missii MESSEGER // Izv. VUZov. Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka, # 6, s.59-64, 2014. (in Russian).

11. Lazarev E.N., Baskakova M.A., Gusakova E.N., Zhukov D.M., Kokhanov A.A. [Comparative analysis of active remote sensing for mapping of solar system's planets and moons landforms]. Sravnitelnyiy analiz dannyih aktivnogo distantsionnogo zondirovaniya dlya kartografirovaniya form relefa planet i sputnikov Solnechnoy sistemyi // Izv. VUZov. Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka, #2, C. 84-91, 2014. (in Russian).

12. Matveev E.V., Karachevtseva I.P., Garov A.S., Patratiy V.D., Kokhanov A.A., Kozlova N.A., Lubnin D.S. [Development of the data model to optimize the access to the results of remote sensing of solar system's celestial bodies by example of the Moon]. Razrabotka modeli dannyih dlya optimizatsii dostupa k rezultatam distantsionnogo zondirovaniya nebesnyih tel Solnechnoy sistemyi na primere Lunyi. // Izv. VUZov. Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka, # 6, s. 72-81, 2014. (in Russian).

13. Nadezhdina I. E., Zubarev A. E. Formation of a reference coordinate network as a basis for studying the physical parameters of Phobos // Solar System Research, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 269-278, 2014. (doi: 10.1134/S003809461404008X)

14. Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E. [Making of reference coordinate network as the basis for the study of the physical parameters of Phobos]. Sozdanie opornoy koordinatnoy seti kak osnovyi dlya izucheniya fizicheskih parametrov Fobosa // Astronomicheskiy vestnik, Izdatelstvo "Nauka", Moskva, T.48, # 4, S. 290-299, 2014. (doi: 10.7868/S0320930X14040082) (in Russian).

15. Oberst J., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina, I., Rambaux, N. Phobos control point network and rotation model. // Planetary and Space Science, Volume 102, p. 45-50, 2014. (DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2014.03.006)

16. Smirnov V. M., Yushkova O. V., Karachevtseva I.P., Nadezhdina I. E. The influence of relief on formation of reflected signals of subsurface sounding radar // Astronomicheskii Vestnik, 2014, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 192-197. (DOI: 10.1134/S003809461403006X)

17. Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Patratiy V.D., Mitrohina L.A., Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst Yu. [Creation of images' geodatabase for evaluation of knowledge surface of Jupiter's moon Ganymede, according to the missions Galileo and Voyager-1, -2]. Sozdanie bazyi geodannyih izobrazheniy dlya otsenki izuchennosti poverhnosti sputnika Yupitera Ganimed po dannyim missiy Galileo i Voyadzher-1,-2 // Izv. VUZov. Geodeziya i aerofotos'emka, # 6, s.48-52, 2014. (in Russian).

Conferences (2014)

1. Bulantsev O.E., Zavyalov I.Yu., Ryibakin Yu.A. [Mapping and analysis of the Lunokhod-2 according to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter]. Kartografirovanie i analiz marshruta Lunohoda-2 po dannyim Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. // 69-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, posvyaschennaya 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, 8-9 aprelya 2014, Moskva, MIIGAiK. (in Russian).

2. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V. and Gritsevich M. Determination of meteoroid orbits using numerical integration of equation of motion // International Meteor Conference, Giron, France, September 18-21, 2014.

3. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V., Gritsevich M., and Oberst J. Determination of meteoroid orbits from ground-based meteor observations using numerical integration of equations of motion // European Planetary Science Congress, Cascais, Portugal, 07-12 September 2014. EPSC Abstracts Vol. 9, EPSC2014-39, 2014.

4. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V., Gritsevich M., Oberst J. A toolkit for meteor orbit determination using numerical integration of equations of motion // The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5M-S3) IKI RAS, 13-18 October 2014 5MS3-PS-43.

5. Dmitriev V.M. [Method of determining of meteorites' orbit and its implementation]. Opredelenie orbit meteorov po dannyim videonablyudeniy. // 69-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, posvyaschennaya 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, 8-9 aprelya 2014, Moskva, MIIGAiK. (in Russian).

6. Gritsevich M., Lyytinen E., Kohout T., Moilanen J., Dmitriev V., Midtskogen S., Kruglikov N., Ishchenko A., Yakovlev G., Grokhovsky V., Haloda J., Halodova P., Lupovka V., Peltoniemi J., Madiedo J.M., Trigo-Rodriguez J.M., Ibanez M.M., Aikkila A., Taavitsainen A., Lauanne J., Pekkola M., Kokko P., and Lahtinen P. New meteorite recovered in northern Russia based on observations made by the Finnish Fireball Network // International Meteor Conference, Giron, France, September 18-21, 2014.

7. Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Konopikhin A., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Patraty V., Kozlova N., Garov A., Oberst J. The Phobos atlas and Geo-portal: geodesy and cartography approach for planetary exploration // 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, #15526. B0.8-0012-14, Moscow, 2-10 August, 2014,.

8. Karachevtseva I., Zubarev A., Kokhanov A., Kozlova N., Matveev E., and Garov A. Phobos Geoportal as geodesy and cartography node of Mexlab planetary data storage // 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abs #1084, 2014.

9. Karachevtseva I.P. [New Phobos atlas]. Novyiy Atlas Fobosa. // Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii «Geodeziya, kartografiya, kadastr - sovremennost i perspektivyi», posvyaschennoy 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, MIIGAiK, 27-28 maya, Moskva, 2014. (in Russian).

10. Kokhanov A.A. (MIIGAiK). [Development of technology for mapping the polar areas of the Moon for future Russian missions "Luna-Globe" and "Luna-Resource"]. Razrabotka tehnologii kartografirovaniya pripolyarnyih territoriy Lunyi dlya obespecheniya buduschih rossiyskih missiy «Luna-Glob» i «Luna-Resurs». // Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii «Geodeziya, kartografiya, kadastr - sovremennost i perspektivyi», posvyaschennoy 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, MIIGAiK, 27-28 maya, Moskva, 2014. (in Russian).

11. Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavsky M.A., Basilevsky A. T., Karachevtseva I.P., Zubarev A. E. Morphometry of large craters on Phobos and comparison with other bodies // 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference #1084, 2014.

12. Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I., Konopikhin A., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Mitrokhina L., Kozlova N., Patraty V. and Oberst J. Creation of The Phobos Atlas based on Mars Express Mission Data // Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe, Poland, Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014.

13. Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Patratiy V., Kozlova N., Matveev E., Garov A. and Oberst J. Methods and instruments for the complex spatial analysis of the potential landing sites on the Lunar sub-polar area // 5th Moscow Solar System Symposium. IKI RAS, 13-18 October 2014. 5MS3-MN-18.

14. Kokhanov A., Zubarev A., Kozlova N., Patraty V., Karachevtseva I., and Kreslavsky M. Developing a Special Photogrammetry Software, Simulating Illumination Techniques and GIS Analysis Methods for Lunar Landing Site // Science and Challenges of Lunar Sample Return Workshop, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 2014.

15. Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Zubarev A.E., Kozlova N.A. and Kreslavsky M.A. GIS-based analysis in support of future Russian lunar missions // 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1235, 2014.

16. Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Kozlova N.A., Patratiy V.D. [Phobos Atlas]. Atlas Fobosa. // XI Konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Fundamentalnyie i prikladnyie kosmicheskie issledovaniya», Sbornik tezisov. Moskva, IKI RAN, 9-11 aprelya 2014. (in Russian).

17. Kozlova N., Zubarev A., Karachevtseva I., Nadezhdina I., Kokhanov A., Patraty V., Mitrokhina L., and Oberst J. Some aspects of modern photogrammetric image processing of Soviet Lunokhod panoramas and their implemenation for new studies of lunar surface. // The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XL-4, 2014 ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium, Suzhou, China, (doi: 10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-4-121-2014). Kozlova_Lunokhod_DOI_panoramas_full_paper.pdf., pp. 121-126, 14-16 May 2014.

18. Kozlova N., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Mitrokhina L., Patraty V., Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I. New results of archive panoramic image processing and their potential implementation for morphologic assessment of lunar surface // 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, #1060 (print-only), 2014.

19. Kozlova N., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Patraty V., Kokhanov A., Garov A., Matveev E., Karachevtseva I., Oberst J. Lunar archive panoramas: modern image processing and access to the historic data based on spatial context // 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, #15531. B0.1-0078-14, Moscow, 2-10 August 2014.

20. Kozlova N.A. [Methods of studying the Moon relief at different levels of detail]. Metodyi izucheniya relefa Luna na raznyih urovnyah detalnosti. // Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii «Geodeziya, kartografiya, kadastr - sovremennost i perspektivyi», posvyaschennoy 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, MIIGAiK, 27-28 maya, Moskva, 2014. (in Russian).

21. Kozlova N.A. [The development of the principle of selection of the defining characteristics and criteria for comparing the craters on the moon, Phobos and Mercury (Soviet Lunokhods' Modern data processing)]. Razrabotka printsipa otbora opredelyayuschih priznakov i kriteriev dlya sravneniya kraterov na Lune, Fobose i Merkurii (Sovremennaya obrabotka dannyih Sovetskih Lunohodov). // 69-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, posvyaschennaya 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, 8-9 aprelya 2014, Moskva, MIIGAiK. (in Russian).

22. Kozlova N.A., Kokhanov A.A., Patratiy V.D. [Creation of global craters' catalog of the Moon according to Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter data]. Sozdanie globalnogo kataloga kraterov Lunyi po dannyim KA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. // XI Konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Fundamentalnyie i prikladnyie kosmicheskie issledovaniya», Sbornik tezisov. Moskva, IKI RAN, 9-11 aprelya 2014. (in Russian).

23. Kozlova N.A., Kokhanov A.A., Patratiy V.D., Bulantsev O.E., Zavyalov I.Yu., Ryibakin Yu.A. [Joint processing of shooting of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and archival lunar panoramas for geomorphic assessment of the lunar surface in the area of movement of the Lunokhod-2]. Sovmestnaya obrabotka s'emki Ka Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter i arhivnyih lunnyih panoram dlya geomorfologicheskoy otsenki poverhnosti Lunyi v rayone peredvizheniya Lunohoda-2. // XI Konferentsiya molodyih uchenyih «Fundamentalnyie i prikladnyie kosmicheskie issledovaniya», Sbornik tezisov. Moskva, IKI RAN, 9-11 aprelya 2014. (in Russian).

24. Kozlova N.A., Kokhanov A.A., Patratiy V.D., Karachevtseva I.P., Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E. Izuchenie relefa Lunyi na razlichnyih urovnyah detalnosti // Molodezhnaya nauchnaya shkola-konferentsiya pri 40-oy Assamblee COSPAR, Moskva, 2-10 avgusta 2014, Sbornik tezisov dokladov, str. 9 (10). (in Russian).

25. Kozlova N.A., Zubarev A.E., Karachevtseva I.P., Konopihin A.A., Kokhanov A.A., Nadezhdina I.E., Patratiy V.D. [Study the Moon's surface at different levels of detail using geomorphological catalog of craters]. Issledovanie poverhnosti Lunyi na raznyih urovnyah detalnosti s ispolzovaniem geomorfologicheskogo kataloga kraterov. // 34 Plenum Geomorfologicheskoy Komissii RAN po nauchnoy probleme «Ekzogennyie relefoobrazuyuschie protsessyi: rezultatyi issledovaniy v Rossii i stranah SNG». Volgograd, 7-10 oktyabrya 2014. (in Russian).

26. Kreslavsky M.A., Head III J.W., Kokhanov A.A., Neumann G.A., Smith D.E., Zuber M.T. and Kozlova N.A Map of Kilometer-Scale Topographic Roughness of Mercury // AGU fall Meeting, San Francisco, 15-19 December 2014.

27. Kreslavsky M.A., Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J. Mapping and the morphometric measurements of small lunar craters // The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5M-S3), IKI RAS, 5MS3-PS-31, 13-18 October 2014.

28. Kuznetsova D. and Gritsevich M. Classification of meteor events in the Martian atmosphere // The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5M-S3) IKI RAS, 5MS3-PS-01, 13-18 October 2014.

29. Kuznetsova D., Gritsevich M., Vinnikov V. Kosice meteoroid investigation: from observational data to analytic model // International Meteor Conference, Giron, France, September 18-21, 2014.

30. Lidovskaya E.A. [The study models the gravitational field of the Earth using laser ranging of artificial satellites]. Issledovanie modeley gravitatsionnogo polya Zemli s ispolzovaniem lazernoy lokatsii iskusstvennyih sputnikov Zemli // 69-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, posvyaschennaya 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, 8-9 aprelya 2014, Moskva, MIIGAiK. (in Russian).

31. Lozhkin A.O. [Development of the method limb definitions].Razrabotka metodiki limbovyih opredeleniy. // 69-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, posvyaschennaya 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, 8-9 aprelya 2014, Moskva, MIIGAiK. (in Russian).

32. Morley J., Sprinks J., Muller J.-P., Tao Y., Paar G., Huber B., Bauer A., Willner K., Traxler C., Garov A., and Karachevtseva I. Contextualising and Analysing Planetary Rover Image Products through the Web-Based PRoGIS. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-16013, EGU General Assembly 2014.

33. Oberst J., Shi X., Elgner S., Willner K. Dynamic Shape and Down-Slope Directions on Phobos // The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5M-S3), IKI RAS, 5MS3-PS-31, 13-18 October 2014.

34. Oberst Yu. [Study and mapping of Mercury. Preparation of the future European Bepi-Colombo mission]. Issledovanie i kartografirovanie Merkuriya. Podgotovka buduschey evropeyskoy missii Bepi-Kolombo. // Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii «Geodeziya, kartografiya, kadastr - sovremennost i perspektivyi», posvyaschennoy 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, MIIGAiK, 27-28 maya, Moskva, 2014. (in Russian).

35. Sizenkov V.A. [A numerical algorithm for the design of quasi satellite orbits to meet the specified conditions]. Chislennyiy algoritm proektirovaniya kvazisputnikovyih orbit, otvechayuschih zadannyim usloviyam. // 69-aya nauchno-tehnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodyih uchenyih MIIGAiK, posvyaschennaya 235-letiyu osnovaniya MIIGAiK, 8-9 aprelya 2014, Moskva, MIIGAiK. (in Russian).

36. Zubarev A., Kozlova N., Patraty V., Kokhanov A., Matveev E., Mitrokhina L., Nadezhdina I., Karachevtseva I. and Oberst J. New techniques of lunar image processing and artificial modeling of surface // The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5M-S3), IKI RAS, 13-18 October 2014, 5MS3-PS-29.

37. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Lazarev E., Patraty V., Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Kozlova N. and Oberst J. The new topography of outer satellites-Io, Ganymede and Enсeladus-derived form Voyager, Galileo and Cassini images // Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe, Poland, Warsaw, 3-5 June 2014.

38. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Patraty V., Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Kozlova N. and Oberst J. New methodology for study of the basic geodetic parameters and relief of outer planetary bodies: Galilean satellites and Enceladus // The Fifth Moscow Solar System Symposium (5M-S3), IKI RAS, 5MS3-GP-4, 13-18 October 2014.

39. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Patraty V., Karachevtseva I., Kokhanov A., Kozlova N., Oberst J. Geodesy and cartography methods of exploration of the outer planetary systems: Galilean satellites and Enceladus // 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, #15867, B0.3-0013-14, 2014.

Publications (2013)

1. Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Scholten F., Konopikhin А., Shingareva K., Cherepanova E., Gusakova E., Haase I., Peters O., Plescia J., Robinson M. Cartography of the Lunokhod-1 Landing Site and Traverse from LRO Image and Stereo Topographic Data // Planetary and Space Science, Vol.85, p. 175-187, 2013,doi:10.1016/j.pss.2013.06.002

2. Karachevtseva I.P., Matveev E.N., Kokhanov A.A., Kozlova N.A. i Garov A.S. [Development a system of planetary database and providing access to them by GIS-technology (geo-portal)] Razrabotka sistemy khraneniya planetnykh dannykh i organizatsiya dostupa k nim na osnove GIS-tekhnologiy (Geo-portal) // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya zemli iz kosmosa, Moskva, IKI RAN, T.10, № 4, S. 89-97, 2013. (in Russian)

3. Kokhanov A.A., Kreslavskiy M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Matveev E.N. [Mapping of topographic roughness of the lunar surface based on a global digital elevation model GLD100] Kartografirovanie topograficheskoy raschlenennosti poverkhnosti Luny na osnove global'noy tsifrovoy modeli rel'efa GLD100 // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya zemli iz kosmosa, Moskva, IKI RAN, T.10, № 4, S. 136-153, 2013. (in Russian)

4. Korteniemi J. and Kreslavsky M.A. Patterned ground in martian high northern latitudes: Morphology and age constraint // Icarus, Т. 225, № 2, С. 960-970, 2013., DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2012.09.032

5. Kreslavskiy M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Baskakova M.A., Kokhanov A.A., Lazarev E.N. [Creating a catalog of young impact craters on large volcanoes of Mars based on GIS] Sozdanie kataloga molodykh udarnykh kraterov na bol'shikh vulkanakh Marsa na osnove GIS // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya zemli iz kosmosa, Moskva, IKI RAN, T.11, № 1, S. 121-131, 2014. (in Russian)

6. Kreslavsky M.A., Head J.W., Neumann G.A., Rosenburg M.A., Aharonson O., Smith D.E. and Zuber M.T. Lunar topographic roughness maps from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) data: Scale dependence and correlation with geologic features and units // Icarus, Т. 226, № 1, С. 52-66, 2013., DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2013.04.027

7. Lazarev E.N., Kokhanov A.A., Baskakova M.A., Gusakova E.N., Zhukov D. M. [Comparative active remote sensing data analysis for mapping the relief of the Solar system planets and satellites] Sravnitel'nyy analiz dannykh aktivnogo distantsionnogo zondirovaniya dlya kartografirovaniya form rel'efa planet i sputnikov Solnechnoy sistemy // Izv. VUZov «Geodeziya i Aerofotos"emka», №6, S.84-92, 2013. (in Russian)

8. Orloff T.C., Kreslavsky M.A. and Asphaug E. Distribution of polygon characteristic scale in Martian patterned ground terrain in the northern hemisphere using the Fourier transform // Journal of Geophysical Research, Т. 118, № 7, С. 1558-1566, 2013.,DOI: 10.1002/jgre.20111

9. Orloff T.C., Kreslavsky M.A. and Asphaug E.I. Possible mechanism of boulder clustering on Mars // Icarus, Т. 225, №2, pp. 992-999, 2013., DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.01.002

10. Rodionova ZH.F., Brekhovskikh YU.A., Lazarev E.N., Lazareva M.S., SHevchenko V.V. [Mapping of Mars] Kartografirovanie Marsa // Sbornik Tezisov konferentsii «Geokriologicheskoe kartografirovanie: problemy i perspektivy», Izdatel'stvo RUDN Moskva, tezisy, s. 233-236, 2013. (in Russian)

11. Wählisch M., Stooke P.J., Karachevtseva I.P., Kirk R., Oberst J., Willner K., Nadezhdina I.A., Zubarev A.E., Konopikhin A.A., Shingareva K.B. Phobos and Deimos cartography // Phobos Book. Planetary and Space Science, pp. 60-73, 2013., doi:10.1016/j.pss.2013.05.012.

Conferences (2013)

1. Abdrakhimov A.M., Basilevsky A.T., Karachevtseva I.P., Geological review of Lunokhod 1 area // The Fourth Moscow Solar System Symposium (4M-S3), IKI RAS, Moscow, Russia, 14-18 October 2013 (poster).

2. Baskakova M., Gusakova E., Karachevtseva I., Shingareva K. GIS mapping and analysis for landing sites of Soviet spacecraft on the Moon // 26th International Cartographic Conference, Abs № 715, pp 349-351, Dresden, Germany, 25-30 August 2013,.

3. Baskakova M.A., Gusakova E.N., Zhukov D.M., Kokhanov A.A., Lazarev E.N. [The active use of remote sensing data for the similar landforms modeling of the terrestrial planets and the moon] Ispol'zovanie dannykh aktivnogo distantsionnogo zondirovaniya dlya modelirovaniya odnotipnykh form rel'efa planet zemnoy gruppy i Luny // X Konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye kosmicheskie issledovaniya», IKI RAN, Moskva, 3-5 aprelya, 2013. (in Russian)

4. Baskakova M.A., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. Aeolian Bedforms in Tharsis, Mars: New Insight from Populations of Small Craters // The 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, March 18-22, 2013.

5. Bondarenko N. V. Kreslavsky M.A. Venus Surface Properties in Magellan Radar Altimeter Data: Results of Principal Component Analysis // The 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, March 18-22, 2013.

6. Dmitriev V, Lupovka V., Christou A., Oberst J. Meteoroid population near Mars // European planetary science congress, [EPSC2013-629], London, United Kingdom, September 08-13, 2013.

7. Garov A.S. Discussion about incorporation of Lunar data into PRoViDE Data Catalogue // FP7-Space Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation project (PRoViDE) "Lunar Data Workshop", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013. (oral, without abstract).

8. Grishakina E., Lazarev E., Lazareva M. Cartographical Aspects of Martian Moons Modeling // International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Meeting of the Working Group IV/8 "Advances in Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013 (only abstract).

9. Grishakina E., Lazarev E., Lazareva M. Сartographical aspects of Martian moons modeling // 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany, Abs № 1099, pp 417-418, 25-30 August 2013.

10. Gusakova E.N., Basilevsky A.T., Kreslavsky M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. Morphometry of Small Impact Craters in the Lunokhod 1 Study Area // The 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, March 18-22, 2013.

11. Gusakova E., Karachevtseva I., Shingareva K., Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A., Oberst J. Mapping of the Landing Areas of the Soviet Lunar Rovers Lunokhod-1, -2 // 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany, Abs № 1090, pp 611-612, 25-30 August 2013.

12. Haberle R.M., Forget F., Head J., Kahre M.A., Kreslavsky M., and Owen S.J. Summary of the Mars recent climate change workshop // NASA Ames Research Center, May 16-17, 2012. Icarus 222, 415-418, 2013.

13. Karachevtseva I., Afanasyeva S., Shingareva K., Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A., Kozlova N., Shishkina L., Gusakova E., Baskakova M., Lorenz C. GIS-mapping of Phobos based on new results of image processing of Mars Express data // 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany, Abs № 1075, pp 701-702, 25-30 August 2013.

14. Karachevtseva I., Baskakova M., Gusakova E., Kokhanov A., Kozlova N., Matveev E., Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A., and Oberst J. Geoanalyses of Lunokhods regions for future Lunar missions and data access via Geoportal. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-7301, 2013, EGU General Assembly 2013.

15. Karachevtseva I., Kozlova N., Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A., Abdrakhimov A., Basilevsky A., and Oberst J. New processing of Luna archive panoramas and geologic assessment of the Lunokhod landing sites // European Planetary Science Congress, London, United Kingdom, [EPSC2013-532], September 08-13, 2013.

16. Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Uchaev D., Uchaev Dm., Malinnikov V., Klimkin N., Garov A. The Phobos Information System // International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Meeting of the Working Group IV/8 "Advances in Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013 (oral).

17. Karachevtseva I.P. [Implementation of an interdisciplinary approach for the study of the satellites of Mars] Realizatsiya mezhdistsiplinarnogo podkhoda dlya issledovaniya sputnikov Marsa // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava «MIIGAiK-234», Moskva, 28 maya 2013. (in Russian)

18. Karachevtseva I.P. [Information support developing of planetary data Geoportal] Formirovanie informatsionnogo obespecheniya Geoportala planetnykh dannykh // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava «MIIGAiK-234», Moskva, 28 maya 2013. (in Russian)

19. Karachevtseva I.P. [New life of archival lunar panoramas] Novaya zhizn' arkhivnykh lunnykh panoram // Proekt PROVIDE, Sed'maya ramochnaya programma ES. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya «Geodeziya i kartografiya vnezemnykh territoriy: istoriya i sovremennost'», posvyashhennaya 40-letiyu missii peredvizhnoy laboratorii «Lunokhod-2». MIIGAiK, Moskva, 12 fevralya, 2013. (in Russian)

20. Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A. [The Moon's polar areas mapping to provide Russian research missions] Kartografirovanie pripolyarnykh oblastey Luny dlya obespecheniya rossiyskikh issledovatel'skikh missiy // Geomorfologiya i kartografiya: Sbornik materialov XXXIII Plenuma Geomorfologicheskoy komissii RAN (Saratov, 17-20 sentyabrya 2013.), Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta. ISBN 978-5-292-04197-9. (in Russian)

21. Karachevtseva. Demo / Workshop on MIIGAiK work about Lunokhod // FP7-Space Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation project (PRoViDE) "Lunar Data Workshop", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013. (oral, without abstract).

22. Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I., Zubarev A., Oberst J. Cartography Support for Luna-Glob - a Future Russian Mission to the Moon // International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Meeting of the Working Group IV/8 "Advances in Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013 (oral).

23. Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I., Zubarev A., Oberst J. Mapping Of Candidate Russian Landing Sites On The Moon // 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany, Abs № 1148, pp 826-827, 25-30 August 2013.

24. Kokhanov A.A. [The mapping of the Moon polar areas] Kartografirovanie pripolyarnykh oblastey Luny // Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya letnyaya shkola «Planetnaya kartografiya i obrabotka izobrazheniy». MIIGAiK, Moskva, 25-27 iyunya, 2013. (in Russian)

25. Kokhanov A.A., Basilevsky A.T., Karachevtseva I.P., Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E. Depth/Diameter Ratio and Inner Walls Steepness of Large Phobos Craters // The 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, March 18-22, 2013.

26. Konopikhin A.A. [A new study of giant planets] Novye issledovaniya planet-gigantov // Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya letnyaya shkola «Planetnaya kartografiya i obrabotka izobrazheniy». MIIGAiK, Moskva, 25-27 iyunya, 2013. (in Russian)

27. Kozlova N. Luna 9, 13, 20 lander images mosaics // FP7-Space Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation project (PRoViDE) "Lunar Data Workshop", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013. (oral, without abstract).

28. Kozlova N.A., Nadezhdina I.E., Konopikhin A.A. [Modern methods of studying gravity field of the Moon] Sovremennye metody issledovaniya gravitatsionnogo polya Luny // 68-aya nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh MIIGAiK, Moskva, 9-10 aprelya, 2013. (in Russian)

29. Kreslavskiy M.A. [Quantitative methods to assess the randomness of objects distribution on the planets surface] Kolichestvennye metody otsenki sluchaynosti raspredeleniya ob"ektov na poverkhnosti planet // Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya letnyaya shkola «Planetnaya kartografiya i obrabotka izobrazheniy». MIIGAiK, Moskva, 25-27 iyunya, 2013. (in Russian)

30. Kreslavskiy M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. [Analysis of the Moon's relief roughness degree by DEM GLD-100 and map interpretation] Analiz stepeney raschlenennosti rel'efa Luny po TSMR GLD-100 i kartograficheskaya interpretatsiya // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava «MIIGAiK-234», Moskva, 28 maya 2013. (in Russian)

31. Kreslavskiy M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. [The creation a young impact craters directory on large volcanoes of Mars] Sozdanie katalogov molodykh udarnykh kraterov na bol'shikh vulkanakh Marsa // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava «MIIGAiK-234», Moskva, 28 maya 2013. (in Russian)

32. Kreslavsky M.A., Head J. W., Asphaug E. Unusual Dense Clusters of Impact Craters on the Moon // The 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, March 18-22, 2013.

33. Lazarev E.N. [GIS mapping of celestial bodies] Geoinformatsionnoe kartografirovanie nebesnykh tel // Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya letnyaya shkola «Planetnaya kartografiya i obrabotka izobrazheniy». MIIGAiK, Moskva, 25-27 iyunya, 2013. (in Russian)

34. Lazarev E.N., Baskakova M.A., Gusakova E.N., Zhukov D.M., Kokhanov A.A. [Developing of methods and algorithms for comparative analysis of the relief according to the active remote sensing of celestial bodies of Terrestrial group (for example, Venus, Mars and the Moon)] Razrabotka metodov i algoritmov sravnitel'nogo analiza rel'efa po dannym aktivnogo distantsionnogo zondirovaniya nebesnykh tel Zemnoy gruppy (na primere Venery, Marsa i Luny) // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava «MIIGAiK-234», Moskva, 28 maya 2013. (in Russian)

35. Lazareva M.S., Lazarev E.N., Rodionova ZH.F. [Compiling comparative-planetological thematic Atlas "the Topography of the terrestrial planets and their moons"] Sostavlenie sravnitel'no-planetologicheskogo tematicheskogo atlasa «Rel'ef planet zemnoy gruppy i ikh sputnikov» // Konferentsiya «Geokriologicheskoe kartografirovanie: problemy i perspektivy», MGU, Moskva, 5-6 iyunya 2013. (in Russian)

36. Lupovka V, Dmitriev V., Oberst J. Modeling of meteoroid impacts on Phobos // European Planetary Science Congress, London, United Kingdom, [EPSC2013-630], September 08-13, 2013.

37. Mitrokhina L., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Karachevtseva I. Recovery of exterior orientation of Lunokhod panoramic images using LRO terrain models // International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Meeting of the Working Group IV/8 "Advances in Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013 (oral).

38. Oberst J., Giese B., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I. Distribution patterns of bright and dark surface materials on Ganymede and correlations with topography and slopes // International Colloquium and Workshop "Ganymede Lander: scientific goals and experiments" Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia 4-8 March, 2013.

39. Oberst J., Karachevtseva I.P. [The main results of planetary research and the development prospects of MExLab] Osnovnye rezul'taty planetnykh issledovaniy i perspektivy razvitiya KLIVT // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava «MIIGAiK-234», Moskva, 28 maya 2013. (in Russian)

40. Savinykh V.P., Karachevtseva I.P. [Creating Multilinguale Database (ITDB) toponymic space-coordinate system of landforms and other formations on the Solar System bodies to the mapping of extraterrestrial territories] Sozdanie Multilingual'noy Bazy Dannykh (MBD) toponimicheskoy prostranstvenno-koordinatnoy sistemy form rel'efa i drugikh obrazovaniy na telakh Solnechnoy Sistemy dlya kartografirovaniya vnezemnykh territoriy // Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya professorsko-prepodavatel'skogo sostava «MIIGAiK-234», Moskva, 28 maya 2013. (in Russian)

41. Shishkina L.A. [From image to the map: create a mapping of celestial bodies] Ot snimka k karte: Sozdanie ortofotoplana nebesnykh tel // Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya letnyaya shkola «Planetnaya kartografiya i obrabotka izobrazheniy». MIIGAiK, Moskva, 25-27 iyunya, 2013. (in Russian)

42. Shishkina L.A., Nadezhdina I.E. [Modern coordinate systems of the Moon] Sovremennye sistemy koordinat Luny // 68-ya Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh MIIGAiK, Moskva, 9-10 aprelya, 2013. (in Russian)

43. Sizenkov V., Lupovka V., Hussman H. and Oberst J. Illumination and radio-contact conditions for surveying Phobos and Deimos from satellites in quasi-orbits // European Planetary Science Congress, London, United Kingdom, [EPSC2013-561], September 08-13, 2013.

44. Sizenkov V., Lupovka V., Hussmann H., Oberst J. Planning Deimos Observations with Simulations of Various Quasi-Stationary Orbits //International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Meeting of the Working Group IV/8 "Advances in Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013 (only abstract).

45. Zhukov D., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Oberst J., Patraty V., Shishkina L., Karachevtseva I. New Ganymede control point networks, images mosaics, and maps // International Colloquium and Workshop "Ganymede Lander: scientific goals and experiments" Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow, Russia, 4-8 March, 2013.

46. Zhukov D., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Oberst J., Patraty V., Shishkina L., Kokhanov A. Results from New Recent Photogrammetric Analysis of Ganymede Images // International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Meeting of the Working Group IV/8 "Advances in Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013 (oral),

47. Zubarev A. Some aspects of photogrammetric processing of Lunar archive surface data // FP7-Space Planetary Robotics Vision Data Exploitation project (PRoViDE) "Lunar Data Workshop", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013. (oral, without abstract).

48. Zubarev A., Kozlova N., Nadezhdina I., Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I. Main Characteristics of Coordinate and Cartographic Support of Luna-Glob Mission // 26th International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany, Abs № 706, p 752, 25-30 August 2013

49. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I. Alignment-Calibration and Processing of HIRISE CCD Data // International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Meeting of the Working Group IV/8 "Advances in Planetary Mapping and Spatial Databases", MIIGAiK, Moscow, Russia, October 9-12, 2013 (oral).

50. Zubarev A.E. [Photogrammetric image processing of the planets by the PHOTOMOD program] Fotogrammetricheskaya obrabotka izobrazheniy planet s pomoshh'yu programmy PHOTOMOD // Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya letnyaya shkola «Planetnaya kartografiya i obrabotka izobrazheniy». MIIGAiK, Moskva, 25-27 iyunya, 2013. (in Russian)

51. Zubarev A.E., Karachevtseva I.P., Kozlova N.A., Nadezhdina I.E., Patratiy V.D. [The GIS-based mapping specificity of the Solar system planets and satellites] Spetsifika geoinformatsionnogo kartografirovaniya planet i sputnikov solnechnoy sistemy // Geomorfologiya i kartografiya: Sbornik materialov XXXIII Plenuma Geomorfologicheskoy komissii RAN, Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta, Saratov, 17-20 sentyabrya, ISBN 978-5-292-04197-9, 2013. (in Russian)

52. Zubarev A.E., Kozlova N.A., Nadezhdina I.E., Patratiy V.D. [Processing and analysis of remote sensing data for studies of the Soviet spacecraft Luna 17, 21 landing sites] Obrabotka i analiz DDZ dlya issledovaniya posadok sovetskikh apparatov Luna-17, 21 // Geomorfologiya i kartografiya: Sbornik materialov XXXIII Plenuma Geomorfologicheskoy komissii RAN, Saratov, 17-20 sentyabrya,. Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta. ISBN 978-5-292-04197-9, 2013. (in Russian)

53. Zubarev A.E., Kozlova N.A., Shishkina L.A., Nadezhdina I.E. [The study of the attraction field of the Solar System non-spherical bodies on the example of Phobos. Abstract] Izuchenie polya prityazheniya nesfericheskikh tel Solnechnoy Sistemy na primere Fobosa. Tezisy // X Konferentsii molodykh uchenykh «Fundamental'nye i prikladnye kosmicheskie issledovaniya», IKI RAN, Moskva, 3-5 aprelya, 2013. (in Russian)

54. Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Kozlova N.A., Shiskina L.A., Karachevtseva I.P., New technology of Lunokhod's panoramas image processing for detail mapping and analysis of lunar surface // The Fourth Moscow Solar System Symposium (4M-S3), IKI RAS, Moscow, Russia, 14-18 October 2013 (poster).

55. Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Shishkina L.A. [From image to celestial bodies map] Ot snimka k karte nebesnykh tel // Geomorfologiya i kartografiya: Sbornik materialov XXXIII Plenuma Geomorfologicheskoy komissii RAN (Saratov, 17-20 sentyabrya 2013.), Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta. ISBN 978-5-292-04197-9. (in Russian)

Publications (2012)

1. Haase I., Oberst J., Scholten F., Wählisch M., Gläser P., Karachevtseva I. and Robinson M. S. Mapping the Apollo 17 landing site area based on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera images and Apollo surface photography. // Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 117, №5, e00h20, 2012. DOI: 10.1029/2011JE003908

2. Karachevtseva I.P., Konopikhin A.A., Shingareva K.B., CHerepanova E.V., Gusakova E.N., Baskakova M.A. [The Lunokhod-1 Atlas: GIS mapping and analysis of the region planting of automatic interplanetary station "Luna-17" remote sensing satellite Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.] Atlas Lunokhoda-1: geoinformatsionnoe kartografirovanie i analiz regiona posadki avtomaticheskoy mezhplanetnoy stantsii «Luna-17» po dannym distantsionnogo zondirovaniya sputnika Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, T.9, №4, s. 292-303, 2012. (in Russian)

3. Karachevtseva I.P., Konopikhin A.A., Shingareva K.B., Mukabenova B.V., Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E. [GIS mapping of Phobos by the results of remote sensing data processing of Mars Express] Geoinformatsionnoe kartografirovanie Fobosa po rezul'tatam obrabotki dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya sputnika Mars Express // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, t.9, №4, s. 304-311, 2012. (in Russian)

4. Lazarev E.N., Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E., Karachevtseva I.P. [A new control network, the digital model of the hypsometric map of Saturn's moon Enceladus] Novaya opornaya set', tsifrovaya model' i gipsometricheskaya karta sputnika Saturna Entselad // Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy "Geodeziya i aerofotos"emka", MIIGAIK, №6, s. 9-11, 2012. (in Russian)

5. Nadezhdina I.E., Zubarev A.E., Rubtsova N.E., ZHarov O.A., ZHarov A.A. [Building a control network points of the outer planet's satellites on the example of IO and Enceladus] Postroenie seti opornykh tochek sputnikov vneshnikh planet na primere Io i Entselada // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, №4, s. 286-292, 2012. (in Russian)

6. Ogorodova L.V., Konopikhin A.A., Nadezhdina I.E. [Calculation of geodetic coordinates for triple axis reference ellipsoid] Vychislenie geodezicheskikh koordinat dlya trekhosnogo otschetnogo ellipsoida // Izvestiya VUZOV "Geodeziya i aerofotos"emka", MIIGAIK, №5, s. 9-13, 2012. (in Russian)

7. Zubarev A.E., Nadezhdina I.E., Konopikhin A.A. [The problems of processing remote sensing data for modeling shapes of small bodies in the solar system] Problemy obrabotki dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya dlya modelirovaniya figur malykh tel solnechnoy sistemy // Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, T.9, №4, s. 277-285, 2012. (in Russian)

8. Zubarev A.E., Patratiy V.D. [Effective tool for remote sensing data processing of celestial bodies - SPICE] Effektivnyy instrument dlya obrabotki dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya nebesnykh tel-SPICE // Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy "Geodeziya i aerofotos"emka", MIIGAIK, №1, s.59-63, 2013. (in Russian)

Conferences (2012)

1. Afanas'eva S.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Matveev E.V., Karpun'kina E.N. [Data conversion on a triaxial ellipsoid in the ARCGIS environment for example of Phobos] Preobrazovanie dannykh na trekhosnyy ellipsoid v srede ARCGIS na primere Fobosa. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2-6 sentyabrya, 2012. (in Russian)

2. Andreev M.V., Bystrov A.YU., Grechishhev A.V., Kokhanov A.A. [Processing and analysis of remote sensing data to study the spacecraft landing sites locations on the moon] Obrabotka i analiz dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya dlya issledovaniya mest posadok kosmicheskikh apparatov na poverkhnost' Luny. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», Vserossiyskoe soveshhanie «Universitetskie geoportaly - UNIGEO» pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2-6 sentyabrya 2012. (in Russian)

3. Andreev M.V., Grechishhev A.V., Patsyn V.S. [Image complex processing of Mars Express in the study of Phobos surface] Kompleknaya obrabotka snimkov Mars Express pri issledovanii poverkhnosti Fobosa. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2-6 sentyabrya, 2012. (in Russian)

4. Basilevsky A.T., Abdrakhimov A.M., Ivanov M.A., Zabalueva E.V., Karachevtseva I.P., Shingareva K.B., Gusakova E.N., Scholten F., Oberst J., Waehlisch M., Willner R., Plescia J., Robinson M. Identification and measurements of small impact craters in the Lunokhod-1 study area, Mare Imbrium // Proceedings of 43Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 19-23, 2012, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.

5. Baskakova M.A., Kreslavskiy M.A., Karachevtseva I.P. [The collection and processing of data to create a catalog of small craters on large volcanoes of Mars] Sbor i obrabotka dannykh dlya sozdaniya kataloga malykh kraterov na bol'shikh vulkanakh Marsa. // Desyataya vserossiyskaya otkrytaya konferentsiya «Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa», IKI RAN, Moskva, 12-16 noyabrya, 2012. (in Russian)

6. Baskakova M., Karachevtseva I.P., Shingareva K.B., Gusakova E.N. GIS mapping of the territory of the soviet lunar missions. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

7. Baskakova M., Karachevtseva I.P., Shingareva K.B., Gusakova E.N., New names of lunar objects for Soviet lunar missions. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

8. Baskakova M.A., Bystrov A.Y., Garov A.S., Karachevtseva I.P., Kokhanov A.A. Gis-analysis and mapping of former and future lunar landing sites using arcgis // Planetary Data: A Workshop for Users and Software Developers 25 - 29 June 2012, The Flagstaff, USA

9. Baskakova M.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Shingareva K.B., Gusakova E.N. [GIS mapping territories of the Soviet lunar missions] Geoinformatsionnoe kartografirovanie territoriy sovetskikh lunnykh missiy. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», materialy konferentsii, 2-6 sentyabrya, pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2012, S 206-208. (in Russian)

10. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V., Sizenkov V., and Oberst J., Comet population near Mars and predicted meteoroid encounters with Phobos. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-204].

11. Dmitriev V., Lupovka V., Sizenkov V., Oberst J. Modeling martian meteoroid streams, generated by comets. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

12. Gusakova E., Karachevtseva I. Shingareva K. Oberst J. Peters O. Wählisch M. Robinson M. S. "Mapping and GIS-Analyses of the Lunokhod-1 Landing Site" // 43 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 19-23 March 2012, The Woodlands, USA.

13. Gusakova E., Karachevtseva I., Shingareva K., Kozlova N., Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A. and Oberst J. GIS-cartography of the Lunokhod-2 landing site. // The Third Moscow Solar System Symposium (3M-S3), Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2012.

14. Gusakova E., Karachevtseva I., Shingareva K., Kozlova N., Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A., Oberst J. GIS Cartography of the Lunokhod-2 Landing Site. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2012.

15. Gusakova E., Karachevtseva I., Shingareva K., Kozlova N., Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A and Oberst J. Cartography and Morphometric Analyses of the Lunokhod-2 Landing Site. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-464].

16. Gusakova E.N., Karachevtseva I.P. [Geomorphological analysis of the moon surface of "Lunokhod-1" route on the basis of modern LRO remote sensing data] Geomorfologicheskiy analiz poverkhnosti Luny po marshrutu «Lunokhoda-1» na osnove sovremennykh dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya KA LRO. // Desyataya Vserossiyskaya Otkrytaya konferentsiya «Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa», IKI RAN 12-16 noyabrya, 2012. (in Russian)

17. Gusakova E.N., Karachevtseva I.P., Baskakova M.A. [The creation a GIS on the territory of the "Lunokhod-1"] Sozdanie geoinformatsionnogo obespecheniya na territoriyu deystviya «Lunokhoda-1». // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», materialy konferentsii, 2-6 sentyabrya, pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2012, S 208-210. (in Russian)

18. Karachevtseva I.P., Matveev E. V., CHerepanova E. V. [The layout design of the Russian segment of the planetary data store on the basis of GIS-technologies] Razrabotka maketa rossiyskogo segmenta khranilishha planetnykh dannykh na osnove GIS-tekhnologiy. // Desyataya vserossiyskaya otkrytaya konferentsiya «Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa», IKI RAN, Moskva, 12-16 noyabrya, 2012. (in Russian)

19. Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Konopikhin A., Shingareva K., Gusakova E., Kokhanov A., Baskakova M., Peters O., Scholten F., Wahlisch M., Robinson M. "Mapping of the Lunokhod-1 Landing Site: A Case Study for Future Lunar Exploration". // European General Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria 22-27 April 2012

20. Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Shingareva K., Konopikhin A., Nadejdina I., Zubarev A., Willner K., Mut N., Wählisch M. Global Phobos Geodatabase and GIS analyses // 43 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 March 2012, The Woodlands, USA.

21. Karachevtseva I.P. Cartography Support of the Luna‐Globe Landing Sites // ESA Scientific Preparations for Lunar Exploration The Netherlands, Noordwijk, 6-7 February, 2012.

22. Karachevtseva I.P., Nadezhdina I.E., Grechishhev A.V., Kozlova N.A. [The main problems and results of GIS-based mapping of the Solar system planets and satellites by remote sensing] Osnovnye problemy i rezul'taty geoinformatsionnogo kartografirovaniya planet i sputnikov Solnechnoy sistemy po dannym distantsionnogo zondirovaniya. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», materialy konferentsii, 2-6 sentyabrya (pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray), Izd. YUFU p. Dyurso, 2012, S 213-217. (in Russian)

23. Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J., Konopichin А.А., Shingareva K.B., Gusakova E.N., Kokhanov A.A., Peters O., Scholten F., Wahlisch M., Robinson M. The Journey of Lunokhod-1 - A Highlight in Early Lunar Exploration. // ESA/ESTEC Conference "Scientific Preparations for Lunar Exploration",The Netherlands, Noordwijk, 6-7 February, 2012.

24. Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Bystrov A. YU., Andreev M.A. [Mapping of the polar regions for future missions "Luna-glob" and "Luna-Resource".] Kartografirovanie pripolyarnykh oblastey dlya budushhikh missiy «Luna-Glob» i «Luna-Resurs». // Desyataya vserossiyskaya otkrytaya konferentsiya «Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa», IKI RAN, Moskva, 12-16 noyabrya, 2012. (in Russian)

25. Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Glaser Ph., Wahlisch M., Robinson M.S. Cartography Support and Assessment of Candidate Landing Sites for the LUNA-GLOB Mission. // 43 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 19-23 March 2012, The Woodlands, USA.

26. Kokhanov A., Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Zubarev A., and Robinson M. S. Cartography and Information Systems for the Luna-Glob Landing Sites. European Planetary Science Congress, September 23 - 28, 2012, Madrid, Spain.

27. Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P, Zubarev A.E., Oberst J., Robinson M.S. GIS-analysis of Moon surface for the Luna-Glob and Luna-Resource landing sites. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2012.

28. Kokhanov A.A., Karachevtseva I.P., Karpun'kina E.N., Karpun'kina M.N. [The mapping of the Moon polar areas to provide Russian research missions] Kartografirovanie pripolyarnykh oblastey Luny dlya obespecheniya rossiyskikh issledovatel'skikh missiy. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», materialy konferentsii, 2-6 sentyabrya, pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2012, S 218-220. (in Russian)

29. Kreslavsky M.A., Head J.W. Statistics of subkilometer-scale topography of the moon: search for a sign of volatiles. The 3-rd Moscow // Solar System Symposium Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 8-12, 2012.

30. Kreslavsky M., Head J. Statistics of subkilometer-scale topography of the Moon: Searches for signs of volatiles. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

31. Kreslavsky M.A., Head J.W., Neumann G.A., Zuber M.T., Smith D.E. Maps of Lunar Topographic Roughness: Correlation with Geological Features. // Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, California, USA, 3-7 Dec, 2012.

32. Lozhkin A.O. [Limb definition of remote sensing of the Solar system planets and satellites] Limbovye opredeleniya dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya planet i sputnikov Solnechnoy sistemy. // Desyataya vserossiyskaya otkrytaya konferentsiya «Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa», IKI RAN, Moskva, 12-16 noyabrya, 2012. (in Russian)

33. Lupovka V., Dmitriev V., Sizenkov V., and Oberst J. Simulations of meteoroid impacts on Phobos and global crater distributions. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-621].

34. Matveev E., Karachevtseva I., Oberst J. Development Geoportal for access to Phobos data and scientific analyses. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

35. Matveev E.V., Karachevtseva I.P., Lubnin D.S., Makhina E.K. [A planetary data geoportal developing to provide access to the Solar system planets and satellites research results] Razrabotka geoportala planetnykh dannykh dlya obespecheniya dostupa k rezul'tatam issledovaniy planet i sputnikov Solnechnoy sistemy. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», materialy konferentsii, 2-6 sentyabrya, pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2012, S. 220-224. (in Russian)

36. Nadezhdina I., Patraty V., Shishkina L., Zhukov D., Zubarev A., Karachevtseva I., Oberst J. Global shape estimates and GIS cartography of Io and Enceladus using new control point network. // EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria 22-27 April 2012, Vol. 14, EGU2012-11210.

37. Nadezhdina I., Zubarev A., Patraty V., Shishkina L., Zharov O., Zharov A., Oberst J. Phobos Control Point Network and Librations. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-238].

38. Patsyn V., Andreev M., Malinnikov V., Grechishchev A., Pasewaldt A., and Oberst J. Spectrometric characteristics of the surface of Phobos from data obtained by HRSC on Mars Express. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-197].

39. Patsyn V.S., Malinnikov V.A., Grechishhev A.V., Andreev M.V., Oberst J. [Spectrophotometric researches of Phobos surface as a result of shooting by the HRSC camera] Spektrofotometricheskie issledovaniya poverkhnosti Fobosa po rezul'tatam s"emki kameroy HRSC. // Desyataya vserossiyskaya otkrytaya konferentsiya «Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa», IKI RAN, 12-16 noyabrya, Moskva, 2012. (in Russian)

40. Rubtsova N., Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Shishkina L., Patraty V., Nikitina A., Oberst J. A new control point network of Io. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-187].

41. Semenov M., Oberst J., Malinnikov V., Shingareva K., Konopikhin A., Grechishchev A., Karachevtseva I., Shkurov F. Space Science Support in Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) // Proceedings of 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 19-23, 2012, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.

42. Sizenkov V., Lupovka V., Dmitriev V., Hussmann H., and Oberst J. Orbital evolution of ejecta from Phobos and formation of dust rings. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-203].

43. Sizenkov V., Lupovka V., Dmitriev V., Hussmann H., Oberst J. Numerical simulation of the formation of dust ring around Mars. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

44. Sizenkov V., Lupovka V., Dmitriev V., Hussmann H., Oberst J., Analysis of observing conditions for Phobos from satellites in quasi-orbits. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-330].

45. Smirnov V.M., Yushkova O.V., Karachevtseva I.P., Nadezhdina I.E. [The effect of relief in the formation of the reflected signal of the radar subsurface sounding] Vliyanie rel'efa pri formi-rovanii otrazhennogo signala radara podpoverkhnostnogo zondirovaniya // VI Vseross. konf. "Ra-diolokatsiya i radiosvyaz'". M. 19-22 noyabrya 2012. T. 2. S. 146-148. (in Russian)

46. Zhukov D., Shingareva K., Zubarev A., Patraty V. Development of the coordinate and cartography support of future international mission Laplace_P to Jupiter's moon Ganymede. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

47. Zhukov D.M., Shingareva K.B., Zubarev A.E., Patratiy V.D. [Processing of remote sensing data of Jupiter's moon Ganymede] Obrabotka dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya sputnika YUpitera Ganimed. // V konferentsiya molodykh uchenykh «Geoinformatsionnye tekhnologii i kosmicheskiy monitoring», materialy konferentsii, 2-6 sentyabrya, pos. Dyurso, Krasnodarskiy kray, 2012, S. 211-212. (in Russian)

48. Zubarev A., I. Nadezhdina, N. Kozlova, I. Karachevtseva, E. Gusakova, and J. Oberst. Lunokhod-1 Panoramic Images and Stereo Topography. // European Planetary Science Congress, September 23-28, 2012, Madrid, Spain, [EPSC2012-477].

49. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Kozlova N., Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Robinson M. "High-resolution terrain models from LRO stereo images for Luna-Glob landing site selection" // The Third Moscow Solar System Symposium (3M-S3), Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia, october 8-12, 2012.

50. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Kozlova N., Karachevtseva I., Oberst J., Robinson M. High-resolution terrain models from LROC stereo images for Luna-Glob landing site selection. // The 3-rd Moscow Solar System Symposium, Space research institute, Moscow, 8-12 October, 2012.

51. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Shishkina L., Patratij V., Rubtsova N., Karachevtseva I., Mukabenova B."The study and mapping of the outer planets satellites: Io and Enceladus" // Workshop on Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe 05-07 June 2012, Budapest, Hungary

52. Zubarev A., Nadezhdina I., Shishkina L., Patraty V., Zharov A., Zharov O. The study and new mapping of Phobos by Mars Express SRC data // Workshop on Mars - Connecting Planetary Scientists in Europe 05-07 June 2012, Budapest, Hungary

Conferences (2011)

1. Karachevtseva I.P., Peters O., Oberst J., Konopichin А. А., Shingareva K.B., Scholten F., Wählisch M., Haase I., Plescia J., and Robinson M. GIS-analyses of the Lunokhod-1 landing site using LROC images and high resolution DEM // Moscow, The Second Moscow Solar System Symposium, 10-14 October, 2011.

2. Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J., Shingareva K.B., Dubov S.S. Development of a GIS-oriented information system for geoscientific analyses and planetary mapping // ISPRS Workshop on Geospatial Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services, Guilin, October 20-21, 2011,

3. Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J., Shingareva K.B., Konopikhin A.A., Cherepanova E.V., Wählisch M., Willner K. Development global crater catalog of Phobos and GIS-analysis of the distribution of craters // Moscow, The Second Moscow Solar System Symposium, 10-14 October, 2011.

4. Oberst J., Karachevtseva I.P., Konopikhin A.A., Shingareva K.B., CHerepanova E.V., Vilner K., Vellish M., Dubov S.S. [Processing and use remote sensing data in GIS for mapping Solar system small bodies (for example of the Moon and Phobos)] Obrabotka i ispol'zovanie v GIS dannykh distantsionnogo zondirovaniya dlya kartografirovaniya malykh tel Solnechnoy sistemy (na primere Luny i Fobosa) // Devyataya otkrytaya Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya «Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa» Moskva, IKI RAN, 14-18 noyabrya 2011. (in Russian)

5. Oberst J., Karachevtseva I.P., Shingareva K.B., Konopikhin A.A., Malinnikov V.A., Uchaev Dm.V., Uchaev D. V., Hoan P. X. Development of a Phobos information system and geo-analysis of the Phobos-Grunt candidate landing sites // International Astronomy Congress «ASTROKAZAN-2011», Kazan, 22-30 August, 2011.

6. Peters O., Karachevtseva I.P., Oberst J., Scholten F., Wählisch M., Konopichin А. А., Shingaryova K.B., Plescia J., and Robinson M. Analyses of the Lunokhod-1 Landing Site and Rover Traverse using LROC images, high resolution DEMs, and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) // International Astronomy Congress «ASTROKAZAN-2011», Kazan, 22-30 August, 2011.

7. Savinykh V.P., Shingareva K.B., Karachevtseva I.P., Kozenko A.V., Lukashev A.A., Bagrov A.A., Pugacheva S.. [The creation of a multilingual database of toponymic space-coordinate system topography and albedo of details on the Solar system bodies to the mapping of extraterrestrial territories (second stage)] Sozdanie mnogoyazychnoy bazy dannykh toponimicheskoy prostranstvenno-koordinatnoy sistemy form rel'efa i detaley al'bedo na telakh Solnechnoy sistemy dlya kartografirovaniya vnezemnykh territoriy (vtoroy etap) //Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya, MIIGAiK, may, 2011. (in Russian)

8. Shingareva K.B., Konopikhin A.A., Zel'kov K.M., Karachevtseva I.P. [The main stages of the "Phobos-grunt" project implementation and GIS software] Osnovnye etapy realizatsii proekta «Fobos-Grunt» i ego geoinformatsionnoe obespechenie // Nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya MIIGAiK, may, 2011. (in Russian)