- Main
- Our projects
- Studies of fundamental geodetic parameters and topography of planets and satellites. Results for 2014
- Geodesy, cartography and research of celestial bodies
- Modern image processing of soviet Lunokhod panoramas
- Cartographic support for Russian research lunar missions
- Studies of fundamental geodetic parameters and topography of planets and satellites. Results for 2015
- Scientific activities
- Moon - Mapping of landing sites of the automated interplanetary stations launched under the Soviet Lunar Program
- Moon - Mapping of the lunar polar regions for the missions "Luna-Globe" and "Lunar-Resource"
- Moon - Mapping of areas along the Lunokhod-1 and Lunokhod-2 rovers traverses
- Phobos cartography
- Formation of a multilingual database of names of objects on the surface of planets
- DEM processing and the morthometric analysis of the surface of celestial bodies
- Complation of a catalogue of small-sized craters and crater density analysis
- Mapping of celestial bodies with the use of triaxial ellipsoid projections
- 3-D modeling of the surface of planets and moons
- Modeling of gravitational fields of small bodies of the Solar System
- The analysis of crater diametr-size distribution
- MExRover - the research platform
- MExRover - development of software
- Comparison of the coordinate systems used by the Soviet lunar missions and modern coordinate systems
- Processing ephemeris information for solving of photogrammetry
- Provision of the landing sites of the "Phobos-Grunt" mission with the coordinate basis
- Limb definitions
- Establishment of basic geodetis networks
- Studying of gravitational fields of natural moons
- Calculation of illumination moments
- Support for the Luna-Globe and Lunar-Resource Projects
- Processing of scanner images of the Moon
- Joint processing of digital elevation models of the Moon and laser altimetry data
- Io
- Phobos
- Enceladus
- Research directions
- Publications and conferences
- Events
- Partners
- Contacts
- Geoportal
- PlanetMaps
- History
- To the memory of K.B. Shingareva