
Cartographic support for Russian research lunar missions

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In the framework of the project "Cartographic support of the Russian research lunar missions" completed automated measurement of morphometric properties of craters as the dominant Moon landforms to study the processes of formation and evolution of surface and the developed maps. As part of this project solved the following tasks:

- held justification of the choice of the investigated areas of the lunar surface;

- developed technology for automated calculation small craters morphometric characteristics;

- conducted scientific analysis of the results;

- structured the maps layouts, maps of potential landing sites for future missions Luna-25.

Proposed methods mapping to assess safety using existing remote sensing data and created maps of the Moon South polar region based on GIS-technologies:

- density map of the small craters in the South polar region (1:175000),

- relief map of the southern circumpolar region (1:1500000),

- slopes map of the South surface circumpolar region (1:45000000),

- surface roughness map of the southern circumpolar region (1:45000000).

The location scheme of sites selected for morphometric Moon studies

The location scheme of sites selected for morphometric Moon studies

The wall maps layout of the terrain parameters in South polar Moon region

The wall maps layout of the terrain parameters in South polar Moon region

The project is supported by a joint grant from the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation and the German academic exchange service (DAAD) on the topic "Cartographic support of the Russian research lunar missions" (No. 11.9177.2014).